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这就必须解放思想。To attain this goal, we must free our minds.

解放思想,我们老同志有这个任务。Veteran comrades must emancipate their minds.

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解放思想,我们老同志有这个任务。Emancipates the mind, our old comrade has this duty.

你的后知之明是解放思想材料的来源。Your hindsight is a source of mind-opening material.

整风运动是解放思想的具体形式。And rectification Movement is the concrete emancipation way.

解放思想是加快发展的先导。Emancipates forerunner who the mind speeds up the development.

我们要破除迷信,解放思想。We should do away with all superstitions and emancipate the mind.

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变得谨小慎微,不敢解放思想,不敢放开手脚。Become overcautious, not daring to emancipate our minds and act freely.

对于这个时期的岳阳来说,解放思想来得恰逢其时。Regarding this time's Yoyang, emancipates the mind to come meantime on.

不断解放思想,率先改革开放。Emancipates the mind unceasingly, takes the lead reform and open policy.

我们的人才是有的,关键是要解放思想,打破框框。The key thing is to emancipate our minds and break away from convention.

因为当时他们敢于解放思想,也是非常难能可贵的。At that time, because they dare to emancipate the mind, is very valuable.

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第四,进一步坚持解放思想、改革创新。Fourth, further insisted that emancipates the mind, the reform innovation.

解放思想是改革开放的思想先导。To emancipate the mind is the precursor of reforming and opening-up policy.

我们应该破除一切迷信,解放思想。We should do away with all fetishes and superstitions and emancipate the mind.

和谐社会是马克思人类解放思想中的重要内容。The harmonious society is important content of Marx's mankind emancipating thought.

解放思想,开拓创新,一要有创新的理念。Emancipates the mind, the development innovation, one must have the innovation idea.

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马克思主义中国化的进程,就是不断解放思想的进程。The process of Marxism Sinicization is the continuous process of emancipating the mind.

因此,解放思想是中国改革开放的直接动力。Therefore, emancipation of the mind is the direct motive force of reform and opening-up.

他试图让他的病人解放思想,说任何他们想到的事。He would try to get his patients to free their minds and say whatever they were thinking.