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通过这些影响,晚清“商战”思潮的兴起加速了中国近代化的进程。Such effects quicken the process of modernization of China at the time.

你要是想在残酷商战中胜出的话,就得拿出点勇气来。You need to show some grit if you want to succeed in the tough world of business.

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内莫迪亚人把一生的大部分时间都献给了残酷的商战。The Neimoidian life-cycle has contributed much to their cutthroat business acumen.

第二次鸦片战争后,海关漏卮引起晚清士人对“商战”的讨论。After the second Opium War, the loss in customs caused discussion about"trade war".

“商战”是他经济思想的核心,充满浓厚的实践色彩。"Comercial Fight" was the center of his economical thoughts which was very practical.

这是零售店为了在圣诞节商战中提高销售额而雇佣的模特。Models are empolyed by the retail business during the Christmas battle to boost sales.

以我多年商战经验,我清楚知道弱招损,即是经商更是治国中的真知灼见。From my business experience, I know that weakness invites attack.This holds true for corporations and nations alike.

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提前当年的这场商战,如今广州EMU依妙实业有限公司董事长车广平还是愤愤不平。This business for the year ahead, now EMU Miao industries limited Chairman Che Guangping in Guangzhou was also angry.

敏锐的洞察力和良好的交际网,会让你在竞争中独占鳌头,还会帮助你避开商战途中的陷阱。The right kind of insight or partnership could put you ahead of your competitors and help you avoid mistakes along the way.

当今世界,形象力日益成为商战取胜的关键。优美的品牌形象是企业巨大的财富。形象经营是一项长期的战略使命,必须持之以恒。Striking image of a brand is a great wealth of an enterprise and thus a key to success in the world-wide commercial competition.

来自北京王府学校的七名同学在这次“商战”中捷报频传,摘下最具分量的“最佳个人表现奖”等五项大奖。BRS students were the big winners picking up five most sought-after awards including Outstanding Individual Performance and others.

在负责多变的商战中以最快的信息反应、最高的动作效率来从容应对激烈的市场变化。In charge of changing business war information to the fastest response, highest efficiency moves calmly intense changes in the market.

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郑观应是中国近代著名的资产阶级改革派的思想家,“商战论”是他的经济思想的核心。Zheng Guanying is the Chinese thinker of modern famous bourgeois reform style. "Business war theory" is the core of his economic thought.

这项技术已经用于监测硝烟四起的市场商战活动,一旦股票市场有变,企业就能立即作出有效的回应。The technology has been used to monitor activity on battlefields as combat unfolds and to help businesses react as stock market conditions change. --Erica Naone

反观我国企业进行的各种商业培训课,大都是在告诉大家如何赚钱,如何进行商战。As for the business training courses carried out in Chinese enterprises they mainly taught people how to make a great fortune and how to fight a commercial campaign.

“对于一只没有航向的船来说,任何方向都可能是逆风。”一个企业要在商战中乘风破浪,拓疆扩土,首先就得保证它持续行进在正确的航线上。An enterprise should brave the wind and waves in trade war, earth of develop border enlarge, have to make sure it advances to go up in right course continuously above all.

在此情形下,改良主义思想家郑观应提出了“商战”思想,主张发展民族工商业来抵制列强的经济侵略。In these conditions, Zheng Guanying, a reformist, put forward "Commercial War". He advocated to develop national industry and commerce to resist power's economic invasion.

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日本首相菅直人的政府上周宣布进行货币商战,这是六年以来日本首次通过市场干预来加强日圆。Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan’s government last week declared war on currency traders, intervening in the markets to strengthen the yen for the first time in six years.

创新是市场竞争永恒的主题,是双星发展的灵魂和动力,是市场商战克敌制胜的核武器。Innovation is the eternal theme of the market competition, is the soul and power of the double star development, is the market commercial war nuclear weapons to defeat the enemy.

其他国家的央行,特别是亚洲国家,仍继续与那些哄抬汇率的投资商战斗,以保护出口行业的竞争力。Other central banks, especially in Asia, continue to battle investors who are bidding up the value of their currencies in order to protect the competitiveness of export industries.