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人们蜂拥而来观看比赛。People crowded to see the match.

人群从四面八方蜂拥而来。The crowd swarmed in all directions.

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人们蜂拥而来观看演出。People crowded to see the performance.

到公元前约1000年,埃及遭受到蜂拥而来的入侵者的掠夺。By 1000 BC waves of invaders began to assail the land.

最近,此类行为常常导致蜂拥而来的抛盘。Recently, such activity has often produced an avalanche of selling.

人群和邮件蜂拥而来,大多是为了表达对政府的不满。People and mail flooded in, mostly complaining about the government.

为应对蜂拥而来的难民,官方急需帐篷及一个长期性计划。Officials need tents and a long-term plan for the stream of refugees.

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从伦敦到东京各地,观众蜂拥而来观赏这场音乐盛宴。From London to Tokyo, crowds have flocked to see this musical extravaganza.

他们说,中国客户正蜂拥而来,而且一窝蜂地在新加坡买房。China's business elite is coming in flocks, they say, and buying in flocks as well.

当2008年下半年蜂拥而来的投资者推动美元走强时,人民币币值同美元一起升高。As investors’ flight to safety strengthened the dollar in late 2008, the yuan rose along with it.

音著协云南办事处措施一出,质疑之声立即蜂拥而来。Music Association for Book of Yunnan a Measures Office, immediately questioned the voice of the rush came.

暮光之城万人迷罗伯特·帕丁森被那些蜂拥而来女粉丝们搞得不知所措。"Twilight" heartthrob Robert Pattinson is "overwhelmed" with all the girls throwing themselves at his feet.

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不管是本地、外地、大的、小的维保公司都趁机蜂拥而来。Regardless of whether they are local, field, big, small maintenance company have the opportunity to pour in.

整个星期,麦基洛浦去世的北悉尼地区聚集着蜂拥而来的朝圣者。And all week, pilgrims have been converging on the chapel and museum at the site in North Sydney where she died.

文章在CNN网站刊登后1500条评论蜂拥而来,我们知道引起了读者的共鸣,需要让议题的双方都有说话的余地。A firestorm of 1, 500 comments later, we knew we had struck a chord and needed to make room for both sides of the story.

亚里斯多德鸽派附和教会,他们过去蜂拥而来,将伽利略捧上天,现在又开始谴责他至死。And Aristotle's pigeons went with the Church. They had flocked to praise Galileo to the skies, now they begin to peck him to death.

可能有机会声名鹊起,当机会蜂拥而来的时候,会比任何都感到惊讶!You are about to have a chance to make a big name for yourself, and when it all comes together for you, no one will be more amazed than you.

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海尔成为众矢之的,充满恨意的电子邮件向他蜂拥而来,大部分都指控他是隐瞒海尔波普彗星真相这项阴谋的一员。Hale became the target of a flood of hate Email, much of it accusing him of being part of a conspiracy to suppress the true nature of Hale-Bopp.

在日本的一个小岛,由于游客们蜂拥而来只为体验被一大群蹦蹦跳跳的兔子围绕,“跳岛游”的说法被赋予了新的含义。A Japanese outcrop is giving new meaning to the term island hopping, with tourists flocking there to be smothered by dozens of bouncing bunnies at once.

连接着朝觐仪式主要景点的首条地铁线路应于十一月时贯成通车,正巧赶上每年最大一批朝圣者蜂拥而来。Its first line, connecting the main sites of the haj ritual, should be up and running by November, just in time for the greatest annual influx of pilgrims.