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那天晚上,我进入了分娩状态。That night, I went into labor.

巨大儿和剖宫产分娩。Macrosomia and cesarean delivery.

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她将于下月分娩。She expects to be confined next month.

每分钟就有一名妇女在分娩时死亡。One woman dies in childbirth each minute.

分娩时护士会告诉你何时使劲收缩腹肌。The nurse will tell you when to bear down.

现在更多的妇女在医院里分娩。More of them are giving birth in hospitals.

我是在一个普拉提斯健身房分娩的。Well, I went into labor at the Pilates gym.

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这些都是在家里分娩的事务的一部分。It's all a part of the home-birther package.

那个工厂分娩打捞工具。That fbehaudio-videoeory makes fishing tools.

坐骨神经痛通常在分娩后就会消失。“Sciatica” usually disappears after delivery.

昨天晚上分娩顺利吗?Did the parturition go well yesterday evening?

图22。分娩记录历史资料之画面。Fig. 22. The screen of historical calving record.

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至今,仍然没有人发现过鲸鲨交配或分娩。No one has ever found mating or birthing grounds.

生命就是性,分娩,死亡,腐烂的一个大循环。Life is a big circle of sex,birth,death and decay.

目的观察导乐陪伴分娩对分娩方式、娩结局的影响。Objective To observe the effect of Doula delivery.

结果,叶慈的男友也陪伴她去分娩了。In the end, Yates's boyfriend did attend the birth.

它很像十月分娩--过后你会忘记它带给你的疼痛。It's like childbirth – you forget how much it hurts.

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润滑、延伸和扩大盆骨出口促进分娩。Lubricating, stretching, and widening thepelvic out.

光会刺激肾上腺激素产生,这会减慢或停止分娩过程。Lights trigger adrenalin, which slows or stops labor.

分娩前她卧床待产三个小时。She lay in about 3 hours before the birth of the baby.