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功效滋阴补血。Efficacy nourishing blood.

滋阴润肺好,煮粥加银耳。Yin lungs and good, porridge plus Tremella.

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调气血,滋阴养颜,改善微循环,排除毒素。Restrain circulation, get rid of toxin and improve complexion.

结论滋阴益肾降糖汤治疗2型糖尿病有良好的治疗作用。Conclusion Ziyin-Yishen-Jiangtang-Tang has good efficacy on type 2 diabetes.

铁皮石斛是一种极其名贵、药食同源的滋阴极品。Dendrobium candidum is an extremely rare, medicinal and edible nourish nonsuch.

此外,可吃些雪梨、鸭梨,生食能清火,蒸熟吃可滋阴。In addition, eating in Sydney, Pear, raw food can -fire, can eat steamed Ziyin.

目的观察滋阴养肝汤治疗慢性乙型肝炎后肝纤维化的临床疗效。This Decoction is quite effective for liver fibrosis following chronic hepatitis B.

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秋季燥气当令,易伤津液,故饮食应以滋阴润肺为宜。Dangling dry autumn air, easily injured Jinye, the diet should be Ziyin Runfei suitable.

麦冬作为一滋阴药,在传统中药行列中占有重要地位。Ophiopogon japonicus is an important nourishing-yin drug in the traditional Chinese herbs.

所含薯蓣皂、粘液蛋白质,有滋阴温阳、增强新陈代谢的功效。The diosgenin and mucus proteins contain in the yams has the effect of enhancing the metabolism.

味甘,性微寒,归胃、肾经,具有益胃生津、滋阴清热的功效。It is sweet in taste, a little cold in nature and attributive to the stomach and kidney meridians.

可以多食芝麻、核桃、糯米、蜂蜜等,以起到滋阴润肺养血的作用。Can eat sesame, walnut, glutinous rice, honey and so on, in order to play Ziyin lungs nourishing role.

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饮食原则除滋阴润燥外,应适当增加蛋白质和热量较高的食物。In addition to the principles of Yin and moistening food, shall be increased with higher protein and calorie foods.

雪梨膏的成份则主要是鲜梨,具有清热滋阴之功,主治干咳痰少的肺燥咳嗽。Sydney cream ingredients are mainly fresh pears, with heat Yin Gong, attending less Feizao dry cough expectoration.

地骨皮具有凉血止血、清热退蒸、清泄肺热、清热滋阴、清热解毒的功效。Lycium chinense Mill. has many functions such as clearing heat, stopping bleeding, nourishing Yin, and eliminating toxin.

方法将雌雄各半100只16月龄小鼠随机分成蒸馏水组、滋阴明目丸高、中、低剂量组和杞菊地黄丸组。Methods 100 16-month-old mice which were composed of male and female in equal were divided at random into Distilled water group?

目的观察滋阴养肝汤治疗慢性乙型肝炎后肝纤维化的临床疗效。Objective To observe the clinical effects of "Ziyin Yanggan Decoction" in treating liver fibrosis following chronic hepatitis B.

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临床应用于健脾补肺,滋阴涩精,以较大剂量为佳。Clinic application to increase the physical function of spleen and lung, nourish Yin and astringe essence, larger dose is better.

性平、味甘,无毒,有滋阴、润肺、养胃、活血益气、健脑强身等功效。It is natured, sweet and non-toxic, benefitting for nourishing lungs and stomachs, blood circulation and improving brains and bodies.

本药品补肾滋阴,填精益髓,是医治女性疾病的良药。This drug can replenish vital essence, tonify kidney-yin and nourish the Bone marrow so it is effective against gynecological diseases.