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承袭的传统可以改变。The legacy can change.

休谟在很多方面都承袭于霍布斯。Hume in many ways follows Hobbes.

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正如你们所指出的,承袭的传统可以改变。As you have stated, the legacy can change.

芳廷承袭了芭蕾舞艺术的最优秀的传统。Fonteyn represents the best traditions of ballet.

燎祭之典后被周族人所承袭并有所增益。"Liao sacrifice"was inherited anddeveloped by Zhou clansman.

现代很多观点认为休谟承袭于牛顿和洛克。Now in many ways Hume can be seen as building on Newton and Locke.

它们在理论上的承袭可以追溯到列宁的新经济政策。Their theory source could trace down the Lenins new economy policy.

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承袭宗申优良传统,每一个基因都有一种精堪之美。Inherited Zongshen's excellence, every gene is crowned with perfectness.

罗马人不仅承袭了希腊人的哲学而且还承袭了他们的艺术。Romans took over from the Greeks not only their philosophy but their arts.

而通往神圣地窟的两个入口承袭了他们不变的形式。The two entrances to the holy grottoreceived their present monumental form.

休谟在理解一般科学是如何运作的问题上承袭了这个模式。So that is taken by Hume to be a model for how science in general can operate.

由于他父亲于1990年前后入了籍,他也承袭了公民权。He had " derivative citizenship " from his father's naturalisation around 1990.

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现代的男人依然承袭着勇敢和不示弱的古老传统。Modern men still carry the ancient legacy of being brave and showing no weaknesses.

人类承袭的多样文明,都有着共同的基本特征The many civilizations adopted by the human race have shared basic characteristics.

当地牧羊人菲德利可汤巴拉多表示,他承袭与延续家业。Federico Tombolato, a local shepherd, says he's keeping alive the family profession.

电视广告已承袭了高级别信息传播以及形象塑造的功能。TV commercials have taken over the function of higher-level messaging and image creation.

每一种宗教的信徒,往往都会承袭他们敬奉的神的性情。There's a tendency among worshipers of every religion to take on the character of their God.

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这一切仇恨和热情,都是珠儿理所当然地从海丝特心中承袭下来的。All this enmity and passion had Pearl inherited, by inalienable right, out of Hester's heart.

承袭先人手工搥打古法,保存一甲子的纯真美味。With the traditional handmade pounding method, Heirui has preserved sixty years of good taste.

中国的信托法设计基本上承袭大陆法系风格,采行信托受益人撤销权制度。Following the approach of civil law, the Chinese trust law adopts the system of revocatory right.