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请你用手放在自己的第四穴道。Please put your hand on your C4 chakra.

请你用手放在自己的第五穴道。Please put your hand on your C5 chakra.

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请你用手放在自己的第七穴道。Please put your hand on your C7 chakra.

只要点中一个致命穴道,整个身体都受影响。Puncture one vital point and the whole anatomy is affected.

这就像是古代中医中的关键性穴道一样。It is like key acupuncture points in ancient Chinese medicine.

大赫穴为人体足少阴肾经上的重要穴道。Da he point is an a important acupuncture point on the foot shaoyin kidney channel.

第三穴道有那些功能以及掌管那些器官?What are the functions of C3 chakra and which internal organs does it in charge of?

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第五穴道有那些功能以及掌管那些器官?What are the functions of C5 chakra and which internal organs does it in charge of?

第六穴道有那些功能以及掌管那些器官?What are the functions of C6 chakra and which internal organs does it in charge of?

第七穴道有那些功能以及掌管那些器官?What are the functions of C7 chakra and which internal organs does it in charge of?

突然间胁下一麻,被人点中了穴道,跟着一块毛毡盖上来,那赤裸的少女离开了他的怀抱。Suddenly, he was pointed at his rib. Following a blanket covered, the maiden left him.

被甲壳虫遗弃的穴道为植物的根系提供了上好的补水通道。The tunnels abandoned by the beetles provide excellent water channels for root system.

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宠物和人针灸时所使用的针相同,基本的针灸穴道也一样。It's the same type of needle as for people. The basic acupuncture channels are the same.

另外,若是我们使用能量伤害其他人,也会导致关闭穴道的后果。Or if we use the energy to harm others then we take ourselves away from the higher frequencies.

陶大为的情感穴道被击中,泪流满面,拿出一张纸,纸上是胡蝶的留言。Tao for emotional acupuncture was hit, tears, took a piece of paper, paper is Hu Die's message.

特以实证医学研究方法评估气功穴道治疗法在解除疼痛症候群上的疗效。Our study, aiming to investigate efficacy of acupressure in pain syndromes, includes three parts.

经济评估结果显示气功穴道治疗法,具较为有利的成本效率比和成本利益比。Results show that acupressure is of lower costs and with cost effective and beneficial in pain syndromes.

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推拿和指压不太一样,指压师只会按压你的穴道。Traditional Chinese massage is different from Shiatsu . People who practice Shiatsu just press your acupoints.

泰式全身舒压拥有印度瑜珈术及中国穴道指压,能舒络全身筋骨。Thai full body massage uses techniques from both Indian yoga and Chinese acupressure to relax the body muscles.

此穴道与第七穴道是相通的,在开穴与调整时不必运用到此穴。This chakra is connected to C7 and never use in any chakra opening and also will not be used in any adjustment.