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但是她还是受不了这样天天打官司的生活。But she just can’t live with the lawsuit.

她说再也没有精力和钱去打官司了。She said no more energy and money to litigate.

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是我们无能,卖凉茶可以,打官司不行。We are incompetent, sell tea can, to engage in a lawsuit.

为了避免长期打官司的巨额诉讼费,亨利接受了。Henry took it to avoid the crushing legal expense of a long trial.

如果走到那个地步,简也许能得到法律援助去打官司。If she gets that far, Jane may get legal aid to take her case to court.

我得把她炒掉,但她了解所有相关规则,并且颇有打官司的雅兴。I need to get rid of her but she knows all the rules and has a litigious frame of mind.

在别处,他们为钝鼻蜥蜴和更格卢鼠打官司。Elsewhere they have gone to court for the blunt-nosed leopard lizard and the giant kangaroo rat.

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他是费城的律师,但他打官司远不及打枪出名。He was a barrister of Philadelphia, but became far more renowned by his gun than by his law cases.

我一直知道,和政府打官司,是永远不可能赢的,但我无法对这件事释怀,如果这是我最后做的一件事,我会斗争到底”。But I am just so angry I can’t get over it. If this is the last thing I do, I will keep fighting them.

因此,如果有人利用网络内容进行违法行为,那么你将面临打官司的后果。Hence, if someone files a criminal action on the basis of the content, then you will have to face the case.

任何有关这一事件的谈话都有可能导致我们年轻的工作人员被免职,或是遭到政治抨击,或者是打官司花费一大笔钱。Any such conversations could only expose our young staffers to depositions, political attacks, and big legal bills.

最后,那个客户也不愿意去为几百块钱打官司,只能重新租用了合适的虚拟主机。Finally, the customers do not want to go to court for a few hundred dollars, only to re-hire the right virtual host.

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“你能不能跟他打官司?”她不禁诧异起来,这一步妙棋她以前从来没有想到过。"Couldn't you bring a lawsuit against him?" She wondered that this simple expedient HAD never occurred to her before.

但是,如果你到塔利班的法院打官司,他们会在一天之内作出判决,而且依照的是神的律法。Whereas if you take your case to the Taliban court they will give a judgment in one day and according to God's ruling.

做好法律服务和法律援助工作,为困难群众打官司提供有效帮助。We will provide effective legal services and assistance to help people who cannot afford the costs of filing a lawsuit.

哇,真棒﹗外科医师通常能赚大钱,不过现在他们得小心病人动不动就对他们兴讼打官司。Wow, that's nice. Surgeons do make lots of money, but nowadays they need to be careful of lawsuits filed by the patients.

“梦露私生子”惊现纽约?打官司欲分肯尼迪遗产,要求DNA身份测试。" Monroe illegitimate" Jingxian New York? For litigation at the Kennedy legacy, in his capacity as requested DNA testing.

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一位立法机关的助手罗沙·胡盛为一位被侮辱的门卫打官司时,提醒原告道伊斯兰教是以和平为宗旨的宗教。When caught off guard by insults last week, Rashad Hussein, a legislative aide, reminded his accuser that Islam is about peace.

香港与中国都不允许美式的集体诉讼,因此像郝婷这样的客户便只能靠单独打官司来碰运气。Hong Kong and China don't allow American-style class actions, so clients like Hao Ting have to try their luck one case at a time.

很多个晚上,帕蒂的爸爸吃完晚饭后还要回去工作,和他的穷人当事人们会面,他收取很少费用或者干脆免费为他们打官司。Most nights her dad went back to work after dinner to meet with the poor people he was defending in court for little or no money.