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达文西拉完小便,转回身,敬礼。Da Vinci urinates , turns back, and salutes the general.

做完小木偶,所有的学生都给大家介绍了自己的小木偶。After making the puppets, all the students presented and discussed their output.

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用完小吃以后,搬过桌子来打牌,我们打克利比,一把六便士的彩。After refreshment, tables were brought, and we all played cribbage, sixpence a game.

我还记得在参观完小伙伴的家后,他们手上那少得可怜的书本使我多么吃惊!I remember visiting friends’ houses and being amazed at how little books they had around!

一头20岁的白鲸在温哥华水族馆生完小鲸鱼后,带着小鲸鱼游过海洋极光。Aurora, a 20-year-old Beluga whale, swims with her calf after giving birth at the Vancouver Aquarium.

山区小镇,没有一家照相馆的时候,我的小学毕业照是县上的照相师傅到我们完小拍摄的。When I graduated from the elementary school, there was still no photo studio in our mountainous town.

可是,这次再这家我们没有吃完小份的芒果冰因为口味太少。This is in comparison to my last time at Silimei where we ordered three orders of mango ice and it was SO GOOD that we ordered a fourth!

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幸好,当时河西马厂完小师资不足,经人介绍,我在该完小担任了一年的临时代课教师。Fortunately, at that time the horse mill elementary school teacher shortage, introduced in the primary school, I served for a year as a temporary substitute teachers.

五完小虽然没有雄伟壮观的教学楼,但是,这里的学生,连续八年在全东胜区语文通考时获得第一名!Five although there is no small majestic buildings, however, the students here, for eight consecutive years in the Dongsheng area when the Chinese general won the first prize!

山区小镇,没有一家照相馆的时候,我的小学毕业照是县上的照相师傅到我们完小拍摄的。When I graduated from the elementary school, there was still no photo studio in our mountainous town. And my graduating photo was taken by a master who came to our school from the county.

显然,她刚生完小猫,所以在她康复后,RSPCA的督察员乔恩.奈特把她带回发现她的地方,以期找到小猫咪们。It was obvious that she had just given birth to kittens, so after her recovery, RSPCA inspector Jon Knight returned with her to the location where she was found with the hope of finding the kittens.