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但是他最终还是改弦易辙,对这一点,他并不争辩。But he doesn’t dispute that he changed direction.

在你的维持阶段中,你可以放置一个词句指示物在改弦易辙上。During your upkeep, you may put a verse counter on Recantation.

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他喜欢口味重的食物,而且在大家的注视中,他也不好意思再改弦易辙。He loves spicy food, and with everyone watching, he can’t back down.

伽利略的改弦易辙并不虔诚,于是在监禁中度过余生。It is unlikely that the recantation was sincere and he nevertheless remained under house arrest.

现阶段,我们正试图让伊朗及其人民明白,如果他们改弦易辙,他们会得到什么好处。At the same time we're trying to make clear to Iran and its people what they stand to gain if they change course.

在开放核心的模式中,很多公司还未剥离现有的开源项目,去改弦易辙创建自己的产品。In the open core model, there are many, many companies that have not ripped off existing projects to start their own.

他们展开了我迄今为止已追随了57年的投资路线图,自此我无改弦易辙之心。They laid out a roadmap for investing that I have now been following for 57 years. There's been no reason to look for another.

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但即将卸任的布什政府不太可能因此改弦易辙.美国的古巴政策一再收紧,从未真正修正过.This is unlikely to sway the outgoing Bush administration. Cuba policy has been reinforced repeatedly, but never really revised.

为了消除这个威胁,我们共同采取了接触与施压的双轨方式,目的是促使伊朗领导人改弦易辙。And to address that threat, together we have pursued adual-track approach of engagement and pressure, aimed atencouraging Iran’s leaders to change course.

消除威胁,了接触与施压的双轨,目的是伊朗人改弦易辙。And to address that threat, together we have pursued a dual-track approach of engagement and pressure, aimed at encouraging Iran's leaders to change course.

为了消除这个威胁,我们共同采取了接触与施压的双轨方式,目的是促使伊朗领导人改弦易辙。And to address that threat, together we have pursued a dual-track approach of engagement and pressure, aimed at encouraging Iran’s leaders to change course.

艺术家频繁地改弦易辙,符合流变的人性,有利于产生妙品但却不利于塑造大作。It is truly the human nature for an artist to frequently change his course, which is beneficial to his creation of brilliant works, but not of masterpieces.

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为了消除这个威胁,我们共同采取了接触与施压的双轨方式,目的是促使伊朗领导人改弦易辙。And to address that threat, together we have pursued a dual-track approach of engagement and pressure, aimed at encouraging Iran’s leaders to change course.

我们奉劝美国政府改弦易辙,正视自身的人权问题,停止在人权问题上搞双重标准的错误做法。We hereby advise the US government to begin anew, face its own human rights problems with courage, and stop the wrong practice of applying double standards on human rights issues.

立场分析人士说,李还提出建议,巨大的投资投向过隐士生活国家要按其改弦易辙的情况,这已经激怒并搅乱了在很大程度上孤立和贫穷的北方。Lee has also offering huge investment to the hermit state on condition it mend its ways, a stand analysts say has infuriated, and unsettled, the largely isolated and impoverished North.

在两张比较属于直接吉他导向的摇滚专辑后,U2第12张录音室专辑「消失的地平线」猛然改弦易辙,新实验再度赋予乐团新义。After two albums of comparatively straightforward guitar-driven rock, "No Line on the Horizon, " U2's 12th studio album, takes new experimental tangents and redefines the band yet again.

赖斯表示,国际社会将商讨能使北韩改弦易辙的措施,使它停止进行导弹试射和发展核武器的计划。Rice said the international community will be discussing what steps will be taken to reverse North Korean behavior -- both its missile tests and its pursuit of a nuclear weapons program.

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去年油价的突然飙升,迫使航空业改弦易辙,开始减少座位供应并延迟新客机的运营,以解决供求之间的失衡问题。It took a sudden run-up in fuel prices last year to force the industry to reverse course and begin cutting seats and deferring new planes to address the imbalance between supply and demand.

与此同时,在其他问题上,比如经济刺激计划、医保改革以及伊拉克问题,他不止一次改弦易辙、转向中庸,这让他最热心的支持者感到失望。Meanwhile, time after time on other issues -- such as the economic stimulus package, health care and Iraq -- he has tacked to the center, much to the frustration of his most avid supporters.

墨西哥总统塞迪略下令军队将恰帕斯叛军赶出其山区根据地后才一星期,突然改弦易辙,召回军队。Only a week after ordering the Mexican army to flush out the Chiapas rebels from their mountain hideouts, Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo abruptly changed course and called off the troops.