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经典歌曲。Classic songs.

它是经典的比赛项目。It’s a classic race.

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标题让我想起一部经典电影的台词!I want to play a game.

经典老曲,谢谢分享。Thanks for your share.

这是一场经典剧目。This is a real classic.

经典第脚趾布卢彻。Classic cap-toe blucher.

经典的单肩耸动。Classic one-sided shrug.

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这时一部现代经典。This is a modern classic.

你喜欢经典音乐吗?Do you like classic music?

它确实很经典。And it is really a classic.

我发誓将对所爱至死不渝!经典句子!I will be faithful in love!

让我们做的更好。经典。Let us make things securer.

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多谢楼主分享万芳的经典!Thank you for your sharing.

我用的是经典的术语。I'm using the typical terms.

经典条件作用是巴甫洛夫提出的。It was thought up by Pavlov.

打开别离舱门,美国经典片子。哈尔。Open the pod bay doors- HAL.

它已经成为经典It's been a perennial classic.

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罗马真是个懂得收藏经典的城市。Rome is such a cherished city.

一起看经典电影。Watch classic movies together.

欧美经典,家居艺术。Europe-USA Classics, Home Arts.