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竹竿在水中变弯了。The bamboo stick warped in water.

他用竹竿支撑起西红柿秧。He staked his tomato vines with bamboo.

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藋藋竹竿、以钓于淇。With your long and tapering bamboo rods.

浅水区,利用竹竿划船前行。b. Use a pole to move the raft in shallow water.

对面放着举旗的竹竿。Bamboo poles for hoisting banners rest against them.

当他把竹竿拿到北门时,商鞅立刻赏给他50两银子。A brave man did it and was be given 50 ounces of silver.

竹简就是一条竹片,上面的字是沿着竹竿垂直往下读的。A slip is a tablet read vertically down the bamboo stalk.

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汤普森医生细竹竿一般的手臂上并没有隆起的肌肉。Dr. Thompson is small and wiry with not a bulging muscle onhim.

当他把竹竿拿到北门时,商鞅立刻赏给他50两银子。A brave man did it and was immediately given 50 ounces of silver.

他们在桥底用竹竿搭建临时舞台。They set up a temporary theater under a bridge with bamboo sticks.

盲人用竹竿点点探探,走得极缓慢。Blind bit of test the waters with a bamboo pole and going very slow.

头领便笑了,叫我看那串在长竹竿上的五颗头颅。The chief smiled, and showed me five heads fixed upon long reeds of bamboo.

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在我们的停船位置的四周,竖着渔夫的竹竿。Round about where we have moored, the bamboo poles of fishermen are planted.

我两眼布满血丝,体重下降,瘦得像根竹竿。My eyes were red and bloodshot. I had lost weight and was as thin as a bean pole.

做成核废料集装箱样子的黄色大鼓堆放在门口,对面放着举旗的竹竿。Yellow drums done up to look like nuclear-waste containers are stacked by the door.

和他的妻子作这样一个大井打捞竹竿爱,有办法呢?And his wife make love like a bamboo pole in large wells salvage, there are ways to do?

竹制地板采用遍布东南亚的速生的竹竿制成。Bamboo flooring is made from quick growing bamboo stalks, found throughout most of Southeast Asia.

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我们沿着长廊慢慢欣赏,自娱自乐,自己敲起竹竿跳竹竿舞。We appreciate slowly along the promenade, to enjoy themselves, their own bamboo rings bamboo dance.

在田间试验地中用竹竿模拟玉米秸秆的方法进行了初步模拟试验。The simulating test is initially done in the field by the approach of bamboo simulating maize straw.

他把一根10米长的竿子竖在都城南门外,然后告诉百姓,如果谁把这根竹竿拿到城边北门,就赏给他10两银子。Then he told the crowd whoever took the pole to the north gate would be awarded 10 ounces of silver.