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登记手续,并到劳动保障行政部门办理变更备案手续。Labour and Social Security department.

增加了商标许可备案的规则。Added rules for recordal of trademark license.

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这是伟大的,我对我最好的波普备案。?This was great and I put on my best Iggy Pop records. ?

绑定用户的顶级域名及备案!Bind the user's top-level domain names and for the record!

防损部主管作出事故记录备案并确定系统已经重新设置。LPS keep file for the accident and make sure the system is reset.

在协议中明确主管登记备案方。Define in the agreement who is in charge of the recordal operation.

每一个基本参考标准品的来源要备案。The source of each primary reference standard should be documented.

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区建委对此合同予以备案。The District Construction Committee to this contract shall be filed.

在主管海关或深圳海关任意方备案均可用。Can be used by recorded in the in charge of Customs or Shenzhen Customs.

在这份备案登记表里,会有劳动合同期限、员工签名等。In this form, there are labor contract duration, signature for each employee.

SEVIS是一个将所有外国学生的信息登记备案的网上信息资料库。SEVIS is a Web-based information system that keeps track of foreign students.

备案制度作为立法制度的重要组成部分,是立法监督的重要形式。The system of serving as a record is an important form of legislative intendance.

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文件须提交州务卿办公室备案。The document must be delivered to the office of the secretary of state for filing.

起草单位应当及时提供报送备案的相关材料。The drafting body shall promptly provide relevant materials for submission filing.

未经备案的人员,不得对直销员开展培训。No personnel who are not put on archives may carry out training on sales promoters.

开除职工须报当地劳动部门备案。Discharging of workers shall be filed with the local labor and personnel department.

埃德加在线数据库检索埃德加证交会备案的讨价还价或公司名称。EDGAR Online — A database of EDGAR SEC filings searchable by ticker or company name.

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商标使用许可合同应当报商标局备案。The trademark license contract shall be submitted to the Trademark Office for record.

DMF和MAF均报道过我们的产品,而且每年都向美国药监局备案。Our products are covered by a DMF or MAF, filed with the FDA and are updated annually.

试验检测的DNA被发现和一名在警方有备案的男子吻合,疑犯否认偷车并且说他只是塔车经过而已。The suspect denies stealing the car and says he was just hitch-hiking a lift with a man.