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第一,一厢情愿Wishful thinking.

但那只是一厢情愿的想法。But that's just an opinion.

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这当然是一厢情愿的海市蜃楼。This course of action is advisable.

这当然是一厢情愿的海市蜃楼。This, of course, is a fond delusion.

但这看来更多的只是一厢情愿的想法。But this seems mostly to be wishful thinking.

所谓的爱情,只不过是我们一厢情愿。The so-called love, just we wishful thinking.

有些是一厢情愿的自欺欺人。Some of those are only one-sided wishful thinking.

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所谓思念,只是一个人的一厢情愿。The so-called miss, just a person's wishful thinking.

在哲学上,只是一厢情愿的美梦。Aufhebung is one of philosophy's pretty little dreams.

我爱你只是一厢情愿一开始就成为定格。I love you just wishful thinking began as stop-motion.

要着眼现实,而不要依赖一厢情愿的想法。Look to reality instead of relying on wishful thinking.

这种一厢情愿目前在新兴市场很流行。There's a lot of this going around in emerging markets.

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想成为好好先生的一厢情愿往往会成为你的弱点。And the desire to keep everyone happy can become a weakness.

这个课题将更得益于科学而非什么“主义”和一厢情愿的想法。It would profit from more science and less "ism" and wishful thinking.

我们最擅长的就是妄图把一厢情愿的幻想变成一种记忆。What we do best is tring to make wishing dream an memory, but in vain.

很多感情,都因为一厢情愿最后连朋友都当不成了。Many friendship or real love are broken by wishful thinking on my part.

由于人们的一厢情愿,造成巨大的误差So that's a big percentage error here and it was in the people's favor.

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他们放弃权利,一厢情愿地相信自己会过得好。They cede power with the belief, however wishful, they will be better off.

有时候啊,一厢情愿或者自作多情都是在自寻烦恼。Sometimes, wishful thinking or self-assertion is in bring trouble on oneself.

在这种语境下,把科学视为和平的推动者可能是一厢情愿的思维。In such a context, viewing science as a driver for peace may be wishful thinking.