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为了好手气亲一下色子吧。Kiss the dice for good luck.

狄公和色子都有些迷惑了。Bosons are some of Di Gong and confused.

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其中之一便是希格斯波色子的任意的附属特性。One is the arbitrary, bolt-on nature of the Higgs boson.

只有一件事我们相当确定——一定没有希格斯玻色子。One thing we know for sure -- it is not the Higgs boson.

色子将大二当造反的消息用飞鸽传书给梁飞虎。When the second dice will give Liang Feihu feibook news.

为此她去了一趟花房,但是她被色子跟踪了。To this end she went to greenhouse, but she was bosons tracked.

色子内含机关,不用电路板,直接用摇控器控制。Dice with authority, no circuit board, directly uses the remote control.

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色子在磁感应块上接触一下,可掷出各种点数。Dice in a magnetic induction block contact, can throw the various points.

盅底部装有线圈,可以随时摇控盅内色子点数。The cup bottom is provided with a coil, can remote control two dice points.

仍是我本人洗牌,码牌,挨色子,然后推庄,他出说任何话。Still I shuffle, code card, next to the dice, then push Chuang, he say anything.

用超薄型强磁板,在桌下可控制桌上碗里色子的点数。For ultrathin magnetic board, under the table can control table bowl dice points.

希格斯玻色子对其他粒子施加了拖曳力。The Higgs boson creates a field that exerts a drag on certain types of particles.

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而对撞机的工作就是要证实希格斯玻色子粒子的存在。Proving the existence of the Higgs boson is one of the main goals of the collider.

这是因为粒子对撞或许会让我们获得对希格斯玻色子的惊鸿一瞥。That's because the collisions might give us a fleeting glimpse of the Higgs boson.

而且,伊文斯称,即使没有找到希格斯玻色子,这次试验也不会徒劳无功。And, even if the Higgs is not found, he says the effort will not have been in vain.

相对地,玻色子天生喜欢当跟班,很容易聚集在同一个量子态上。Bosons, in contrast, are convivial copycats and readily gather in identical states.

要求对称波函数的粒子,如介子,叫做玻色子。Particles, such as pi-mesons, requiring symmetric wave functions are called bosons.

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盘碗底内装有电路,可摇控碗中色子的点数。Disc bowl bottom is provided with a circuit, can remote control the bowl dice points.

透视扑克、麻将、牌九、摇控色子、定点色子、万能色子。Perspective poker, mahjong, Pai Gow, dice, dice, universal remote control point dice.

但在这个遗址,几乎每十项发现中的一项就和游戏有关——色子或是棋子。But at this site, almost every tenth find was related to leisure—dice or gaming pieces.