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热杯子在桌上烫出了印子。The hot cups have marked the table.

是从笔尖划过的一条印子吗?It is a print of from a tip of stock across?

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我们把墙上的脏印子用油漆盖上了。We painted over the dirty marks on the wall.

我的大腿上都是杰森用皮带打的印子。There are welts on my thighs from Jason’sbelt.

他看看煎锅,煎锅上有个猫头形状的印子!He hit the big fat cat's head with the frying pan.

她的手在我的电视的屏幕上留下了印子。Her finger left marks on the screen of television.

王米粉一路漏出来,到浅湖边上,留下了小小的一道印子。The meal sifted out and made a little track all the way to the lake.

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纸的几处有点卷曲,是一颗颗的汗滴上去留下的印子。尤青知道,方鸿有多怕热。The paper was slightly rumpled by the sweat. Jane knew that John was rather afraid of torridity.

去印是一个冗长的进程,我坚持运用了一个月,印子曾经淡了很多了,见下图。To India is a lengthy process, I insist that the use of a month mark has faded a lot, see below.

然后他将液体橡胶倒入黏土印子,创造出客户指尖的模子。Later, he poured liquid rubber into the clay impressions, creating soft casts of their fingertips.

奔跑的步伐慢了下来,街道上,我看见了像是轮胎印子的痕迹。My running pace slowed down. I saw up ahead what looked like tire marks tattooed across the street.

你旳微笑辇过旳每个夏天,像深深旳车辙印子,成le我心里永不会愈合旳伤。Chariot over your smile every summer, like a deep rut trace, became my heart will never heal the wound.

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这种又称“印子金”的金片是自大块或长条金版切割。This type of small gold "Cube Money" was produced by cutting segments from a larger sheet or bar of gold.

人躺着的时候眼泪总是流的很奇怪,所以你脸上会有这些奇怪的印子。And when you're lying down, the tears fall in a really weird way, and then you have these strange marks on your face.

今天你要给我带回那块白金,如果你没把它带回来,我就在你身上打出一百道印子。To-day thou shalt bring me the piece of white gold, and if thou bringest it not back, I will beat thee with a hundred stripes.

打开门,只见他脸上左一道右一道的黑印子,两只手像翻了垃圾一样脏。I opened the door and saw his face with two black marks on each side and his dirty hands as if he used them to search the trash.

一定要注意这些表面的干净一些,否则就会一一些印子在上面,这样做的标识牌就没那么好看了。Must pay attention to some of these surfaces clean, otherwise it will mark a number on it, so do not be so good-looking signage.

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而对于西方人,中国书写体字则像你把一只活鸡的脚沾上墨水,然后放她在白纸上乱走留下的印子一样。To Westerners, Chinese writing looks like you took a live chicken, dipped her feet in ink, and let her walk around on the paper!

小字喷码机主要用于将较小文字、数字和图形等喷印子产品上。The fine print to spurt the code machine is mainly used for smaller characters, Numbers, and graphics on her cheek products spray.

我们在泥泞中、或是踏过水坑后,都会留下印子,但我们在地球上所留下的生态足迹可是重要得多。We leave them in the mud or after stepping in a puddle, but the ecological footprints that we leave on the Earth are far more important.