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亿万人民团结起来The millions be embraced.

全世界的怪胎团结起来!Weirdos Of The World Unite!

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我们要团结,不要分裂。We want unity, not division.

社青盟100周年,国际团结互助。Inter Solidarity at IUSY 100.

为此需要全球团结互助。Global solidarity is required.

让我们更紧密地团结起来。Let’s unite still more closely.

友情是团结的建造师。Friendship is a builder of unity.

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他们的团结被称为“汉萨”。Their unity was called a "Hanse".

团结是胜利的保证。Unity is the guarantee of victory.

我们从来没有团结一起的时候。We never really gelled as a group.

全国人民团结紧。The whole nation is closely united.

这事关团结互助。This is an argument for solidarity.

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团结者缘何变成了分裂者?How did the uniter become a divider?

我生活在一个团结友爱的班级。I'm in a united and fraternal class.

他们形成了群内团结。So, there's within-group solidarity.

他讲话的基调是团结。The keynote of his speech was unity.

为了新的蓝衫梦想,让我们团结在一起!All together for a new dream in blue!

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她是团结工会中的一位重要成员。She went on to be a prominent member.

但核电站的工作人员却团结在一起。But workers at the plants have a bond.

我告诉她们,你知道,团结起来。I tell them, you know, stick together.