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接下来第二步则是连结默然。Being silent is the second.

取得此站台连结的传输类型。Gets the name of the site link.

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这两个数字连结在一起。The numbers are bound together.

请问你曾否发送网上影片的超连结?。Did you ever send the viral video?

这座桥连结布达和佩斯。The bridge connects Buda and Pest.

加入新时装网址连结。Added new fashion website hyperlink.

各单元通过DDE协议连结起来。Each units are connected by DDE protocol.

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这条新公路把我们村同城市连结起来。The highway was built to bypass the town.

婴儿睡觉时,我们应连结安静。We should be quiet when the bby is sleep.

任两位角色间的连结等级达到7。Raised any two characters to Link Level 7.

要是一块地区是暗的,那么让它连结暗调。If an area is dark, then keep that area dark.

你是怎样在如许热的天气下连结凉快的?How do you remain so cool in such hot weather?

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将排水配件和连结器连接起来。Connect the drainage accessory with the coupler.

我在网页上增加了一个网上游戏和一些网站连结。I added an online game and some useful web links.

这些就是Gladwell所说的“连结者”Some people are what Gladwell calls "connectors."

这种理想的连结方式,让其它各类接合方式瞠乎其后。An ideal connection that puts any solder to shame.

他用连结体诗句来表意。He permits enjambment to become the verbal medium.

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将排水配件和连结器连接起来。B. Connect the drainage accessory with the coupler.

请点按下行连结键文以观读中文版。For a Chinese version, please click the link below.

如果设定为空字串则不会显示连结。If set to an empty string the link will not appear.