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此外还有其它各式各样的水禽。All kinds of waterfowl abound.

这狗是一个从事与水禽专家。This engaging dog is a specialist with waterfowl.

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这里还有野生鸟类和水禽,再加上一个露天剧场。There are also wild bird species and waterfowl, plus the Open Air Theatre.

由于湿地面积减小,中国林蛙,花背蟾蜍和水禽的适宜生境变小。Suitable habitats for frogs, toads and waterfowls decreased and the swamps disappeared.

长着细长双腿的涉禽和姿态优美的水禽,栖息在湿地和海岸线所组成的区域。Slenderlegged waders3 and gracious waterbirds inhabit a network of wetlands and coastlines.

水禽被认为是流感病毒的重要宿主,尤其是家鸭。Waterfowl are considered as the important host of influenza A viruses, especially domestic ducks.

提供最佳水禽栖息地,都是清一色的芦苇沼泽地区种植的急诊。Providing the best waterfowl habitat, bulrushes are uniformly planted in the emergent marsh areas.

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一段时间以来,已知野水禽是所有A型流感病毒的自然宿主。Wild waterfowl have been known for some time to be the natural reservoir of all influenza A viruses.

挠力河流域是濒危水禽东方白鹳主要繁殖区域。The Naoli River Watershed is an important breeding area for rare and endangered Oriental White Stork.

流行病学调查表明,病人曾屠宰和加工过生病水禽。An epidemiological investigation showed that the patient had slaughtered and processed sick water fowl.

这里的芦苇过滤和对待废品、藻类产量增加了水禽深池。Here bulrushes filter and treat waste products added by waterfowl and algal production in the deep pool.

秋天则主要是鹰、猛禽、燕雀、莺和大量的水禽迁徒。The Fall is noted for migrating hawks and raptors, songbirds and warblers and great numbers of waterfowl.

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它不仅成功地销售更多的水禽,但它已成为长岛领先的标志之一。Not only did it succeed in selling more waterfowl, but it has become one of Long Island's leading landmarks.

流行性感冒病毒通常生活在水禽的胃部,两者已经互相适应-水禽不会发病。The flu virus lives usually in the stomachs of waterfowl , and the two are co-adapted-the birds don't get sick.

这种野天鹅体重30磅,翼展近2。5米,是世界上最大的水禽。Weighing up to30pounds with a wingspan approaching2.5metres the trumpeter is the largest waterfowl in the world.

水禽一直被认为是NDV的自然贮存库鹅、鸭等能携带NDV但通常不表现任何临诊症状,甚至对NDV强毒株具有坚强的抵抗力。Aquatic birds, such as goose and duck, were usually considered to be resistant even to most virulent NDV strains.

其主要保护对象,是作为水禽栖息地的以湖区为主体的湿地生态系统。The main protection targets, as Waterfowl Habitat to the Great Lakes region as the main body of the wetland ecosystem.

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科学界普遍认为野生水禽是禽流感病毒的自然储存宿主,在病毒的繁殖和传播过程中起重要作用。It generally accepted that waterfowl play an important role in the generation, spread, and enzootic transmission of AI.

病毒分离工作证明,作长距离迁飞的水禽是流感病毒的重要传播者。Virus isolation have demonstrated that long-distance migratory waterfowls are important spreaders of influenza viruses.

湿地保护区是一个特别为水禽和其他野生动植物栖息而建造的人造湿地。The park's Wetland Reserve is a man-made wetland recreating habitats specially designed for waterfowls and other wildlife.