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我去百老汇找。你去俄罗斯茶坊。You go to the Russian Tea Room.

在这间茶坊里我好像活在中国古代。I feel like I'm in old China at this teahouse.

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迎接我们去了她的茶坊,我们品尝了绿茶h还有红茶。Anna welcomed us to her Tea House where we sampled green and also red tea.

面包店、糖果店和茶坊就像那些存在于逝去的时代的店面。The baker's, sweet shop , and tea rooms are also like those of a bygone era.

东沁园茶坊位于太原市小店康宁西街康宁小区一号。East Patio Chafang store is located in Taiyuan Street Kangning Xi Corning Area One.

至少下意识里,他们感觉在茶坊读一本书意味着她们淑女或绅士。At least in subconscious, they feel reading a book in tea shop means they are ladylike or gentler.

她站在那里迎接我们去那令人舒适的小茶坊。It felt like it was Anna's. She looked so 'at home' welcoming us into the delightful little house.

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她们也会把你请到一家茶坊,但是价钱却比周边茶坊贵得出奇。they might also invite you to a local teahouse, whose prices are way steeper than others in the area.

你喜欢玩梦幻小茶坊吗?你也可以在茶坊外设计并布置属于自己的风格唷!Don't forget to choose a super cute when you design your Tea Shop outdoors! It's easy and there are lots of beautiful ones to pick.

不远处,小坪水库碧波连天,茶坊清香四溢。山、林、水、岩共同构筑出一片广袤的湖光山色。Not far away, lies the cool and blue Xiao Ping reservoir with its ripples playing in the sunshine and the faint scent of the tea house.

当然,开设茶坊,需要你具备一定的文化修养和审美水平,唯有如此,你的茶坊才能彰显茶道的内涵,从而不同凡响,吸引顾客。Of course, you have to offer tea, certain culture and aesthetic level, only then can reveal your tea and tea, the connotation of outstanding, attract customers.

「我从来没有反对改革。我只是质疑改革道路,」50岁、头发花白的郎咸平在北京一间茶坊说。他也否认与陈水扁有任何关系。"I have never opposed reforms. I merely questioned the path of reform, " the greying Lang, 50, said in a Beijing teahouse. He also denied any connection to Chen.

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酒店里绿树成荫,花园繁茂,还有一间生机勃勃的茶坊和几片种着各式中国蔬菜的菜园,供这家风景如画的度假酒店自给自足。It has an extensive expanses of forest and gardens , an active tea plantation , and plots devoted to cultivation of a variety of Chinese vegetables for the picturesque resort's own use.