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也可以说成是“井底之蛙”。A frog at the bottom of a well.

但美国人现在都是井底之蛙了。But the Americans are oblivious.

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井底之蛙不知汪洋大海。A frog in the well does not know the ocean.

跟着您去全世界许多地方。不再做井底之蛙。Then I will be no longer a frog in the well.

井底之蛙不知汪洋大海。The frog in well knows nothing of the great ocean.

你没有听说过井底之蛙的故事吗?Have you not heard of the frog that lived in a shallow well?

说了真话就成了代理人?真是井底之蛙!Any body telling fact, becomes agent ? What a FrogInTheWell !

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那么,操你,那是他们的想法,你认为我是井底之蛙。So, fuck you, them thoughts, and that little house you think I'm in.

随着关注于威胁思维开始而成为“井底之蛙”,失去对大局的看法。The mind goes into tunnel vision as it focuses on the threat and loses the bigger picture.

否则就糟了。被人耻笑为井底之蛙是多没面子的事啊!Otherwise, I will lose my face for being sneered as a frog on the bottom of well by others.

他用了井底之蛙做类比。这只蛙对它小井之外的任何事情都一无所知。He used the analogy of the frog in a well, who does not know anything beyond his little well.

对于英国,我看到你们好多评论说英国拯救了你们带来了文明,你看过吗?我不知道你哪来的勇气去展示傲慢,就像愚蠢的井底之蛙一样!I do not where you got your courage to show the arrogance, just as stupid as a frog in the well.

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这仅仅说明你不能做“井底之蛙”,而需要朝其它方向搜索。It simply means you need to get rid of your tunnel vision and start searching in other directions.

当你抬头仰望,你只能看到一小片天空,就像一只井底之蛙。You can only see a small piece of the sky when looking up, just like a frog at the bottom of a well.

舅妈仍记得她以前的大学生活单调乏味,甚至将她那个时代的人描述成“井底之蛙”。My aunt remembers her previous college days as monotonous and even calls her generation "frogs in a well."

因此,当他听到人们井底之蛙似的言论时,大都一笑置之,不与他们一般见识。He laughed off others' talk, he deemed they were like a frog in the well and was not bothered to argue with them.

当他听到人们井底之蛙似的言论时,大都一笑置之,不与他们一般见识。He laughed off others' talk, the outlook of which was like that of a frog in well, and did not bother to argue with them.

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杨大海为不刺激老婆,把到嘴边的“头发长见识短、井底之蛙”之类的咽了回去。Yang Dahai does not stimulate the wife, take to the mouth of the" long hair and short wit, a frog in a well " like the swallow.

如果我们不花精力、时间去苦练内功,我们就很可能成为井底之蛙,也要被淘汰。If our not colored energy, the time train hard the internal strength, we very possibly become the shortsighted person, must eliminate.

否则你永远只能是井底之蛙,永远不能把错误转化为宝贵的学习机会。Without these essential lessons, you remain trapped in your limited view and unable to parlay mistakes into valuable learning opportunities.