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这头猪鬃毛直立。The hog bristled up.

马用后腿直立站起来。The horse reared itself up.

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二足动物开始直立行走。The bipeds stood up straight.

第一只直立行走的猴子,后来与汤姆.布罗考和亚伯拉罕.林肯一起编写年鉴的人。Tom Brokaw and Abraham Lincoln.

而不要让球杆完全直立起来。You don't want it straight back.

门框或窗框的直立的边柱。The door is flush with the casing.

门框或窗框的直立的边柱。The door fits flush into its frame.

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你能把硬币直立起来吗?。Can you stand a coin up on its edge?

它高高地直立起来,咆哮着。It rose high on its legs and growled.

花梗直立,对3厘米,圆柱状,具条纹。Pedicel erect, to 3 cm, terete, striate.

他粗硬的红头发根根直立。His bristly red hair was standing on end.

在她启程时,大概桅杆直立,帆完全扯起。Probably was so masted when she set forth.

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仅仅是停下来直立的站着。Just stop what you're doing and stand erect.

直立猿人是真人的祖先。Homo erectus is a progenitor of Homo sapiens.

当狗警惕,他们可能是半直立。When the dog is alert they may be half-erect.

对于一个空口袋来说,直立起来是困难的。It is hard for an empty sack to stand upright.

忽然用后腿直立起来,把我摔下马背。The horse suddenly reared up and threw me off.

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爸爸的头发像扫把,根根直立往上插。My Papas hair is like a broom, all up in the air.

一定要确保圣诞树保持直立。And make sure that it was a little stand all right.

枯草支支直立,有如铜丝。The dried grass stood up sharply as if cooper teels.