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我工作进度落后了。I’m behind in my work.

那么为什么我们落后了呢?So why did we fall behind?

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她落后于她的同班同学。She trailed her classmates.

所以我在这方面有点落后于时代了。so I'm behind times on that.

你们已经以11比7落后,比赛打到15分。You're down 11-7, game to 15.

他在竞赛中落后于他人。He lags the others in the race.

他的思想落后于时代。His ideas are behind the times.

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它已经落后于韩国。It has fallen behind South Korea.

欧洲人为什么要落后呢?Why should Europe be left behind?

你有落后了,傻逼。You have it backwards, simpleton.

古希腊人的弓箭是非常落后的They had very poor bows and arrows.

对于那些落后于时代的父母的警告A Warning to Parents Behind the Times

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实践远远落后于这一理论。Practice lags far behind this theory.

湖人在半场结束的时候只以45-53落后。The Lakers trailed, 53-45 at the half.

落后地区乡巴佬的时代已成过去。The era of the backwoods rube is gone.

伊斯兰教是“永远无法被净化的落后宗教”。Islam was “a pool that never purifies”.

我的思想老落后于现实。My thinking always lags behind reality.

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男孩子在学校里总是落后于女孩子。Boys are lagging behind girls at school.

毫无疑问,某些方面我会落后。No doubt at some point I'll fall behind.

落后的须眉缺少玄色配景。the backward man lacks black background.