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十分站内吊车与载运怪手的平车。A crane with a flat car for excavator transporting.

目前还拟定了一个载运冈比亚部队的类似安排。A similar arrangement is being put in place to transport Gambian troops.

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这座桥的设计能力可承受火车能载运的最重负荷。The bridge was designed to bear the heaviest load any train could carry.

卖方应和载运货物的船只保持密切联系,并以最快的手段通知买方船只在途and shall notify the Buyer by fastest means of communication about any and

物流的运输则专指“物”的载运及输送。Carrying and transportation logistics transportation refers to the "object".

一八四八年载运杜伊勒里宫财富的那些货车是由谁押送的?By whom were the wagons containing the wealth of the Tuileries escorted in 1848?

尽管这些巴士能够载运更多的人并且速度更快,它们仍然没有被普遍性的喜欢。Though these carry more people and are faster to board, they are not universally loved.

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是从事境内陆路汽车载运的一家专业集装箱运输企业。In the land is engaged in a professional car carrying the container transportation business.

载运危险货物白勺船舶已向主管机关办理危险货物申报手续等。The ships carrying dangerous goods has gone through the declaration procedures to administration.

每艘可载运8,000个20呎标准柜。第一艘货柜船的交付日期,料在2013年第三季。Delivery of the 8,000 twenty-foot equivalent ships was expected to start in Q3 of 2013 or earlier.

该船载运乘客前往欧洲,于星期日从利比亚启航,随后很快开始漏水。The boat was carrying people travelling to Europe. It left Libia on Sunday and soon began to leak water.

多少骆驼商队在千年之间不断地往返于这片乾燥的沙地上,载运著盐、黄金,还有奴隶。For well over a thousand years, camel caravans have traversed the dry sands carrying salt, gold and slaves.

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自今年一月以来,巴基斯坦动用数以千计的部队,以护卫载运小麦和面粉的卡车。Since January, thousands of troops have been deployed in Pakistan to guard trucks carrying wheat and flour.

舱单是按照货港逐票罗列全船载运货物的汇总清单。Cargo manifest in accordance with Hong Kong-by-vote lists a summary of the entire vessel carrying the goods list.

这辆客车当时载运许多军官与其他人员,但开车的是一名民间约聘司机,英国国防部说。The coach was carrying a number of officers and other personnel but was driven by a civilian contractor, the MoD said.

驴子曾经是西班牙乡间的标志,但是它却被载运物品与设备的汽车与卡车取代了。Once a symbol of the Spanish countryside, donkeys have been replaced by cars and lorries to carry heavy goods and equipment.

在知道此事后,村民聚集,用龙舟载运用米制成的粽子,抛入河中,以免河中鱼类吃掉屈原的躯体。After knowing the incident, the villagers gathered in dragon boats and threw rice dumplings to avoid fishes to eat up his body.

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航空业高管见到未来有其他疑虑浮现,包括失业人口增加,以及飞机载运容量过剩,恐将损及获利.Airline chiefs saw other concerns ahead, from rising unemployment to a surplus of plane capacity that could hurt profitability.

此外,它有足够的货运空间来容纳五十台家庭房车,但这跟它所载运过的货物相比之下根本就不算什麽。What's more, it has enough cargo space for 50 family-sized cars, which is nothing in comparison to what it has already carried.

这项决议同时授权检查从北韩出入被怀疑载运核或导弹供应的北韩船只。The resolution also authorized the inspection of ships suspected of carrying nuclear or missile supplies to or from North Korea.