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在这些国家里,继承问题都是家务事。All in the Family.

父亲剥夺了自己继承人的继承资格。The father disowned his heirs.

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他于1208年左右继承王室。He was crowned king circa 1208.

这个独生女继承了遗产。The only daughter took as heir.

她继承了她母亲的相貌。She inherits her mother's looks.

我们从你那儿继承了好头脑,爸爸。We got our brains from you, Dad.

这位王子继承了王位。The prince acceded to the throne.

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老板说,那是从他的爹那继承的。"From his father", says the boss.

阿道必须继承业务。Adolphus must inherit the business.

是继承纠纷还是析产纠纷?。Dispute of Inheritance or Division?

也许是只有男娃才能继承土地。Perhaps only sons may inherit land.

你继承了你父亲的好头脑。You inherited your father's brains.

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是继承纠纷还是析产纠纷?。A Dispute of Inheritance or Division?

这种差异的大部分是可继承的。Much of this variation is inheritable.

后来,一个新的法老王继承了王位。Then a new Pharaoh came to the throne.

他把继承的遗产全都挥霍一空。He trifled away his entire inheritance.

就证明你的美颜能够继承传流。Proving his beauty by succession thine!

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而他的美就是继承于你的明证!Proving his beauty by succession thine.

董仲舒的人性论对孟、荀的人性思想有所继承。So, what nature has, the human also has.

事实和真理不再是可继承的衣钵。Facts and Truth are no longer the mantle.