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佛教徒崇拜偶像吗?Do Buddhists Worship Idols?

佛教徒是个家庭型的男人。The Buddhist is a family man.

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佛教徒称之为因果报应。The Buddhists call this Karma.

他在镜中看到的是一名佛教徒。What he sees there is a Buddhist.

佛教徒有着无尽的理想。The Buddhist has plenty of ideals.

非佛教徒会回来正道吗?。Will Non-buddhist return to right path?

佛教徒国民服务学员排队浴佛。PLKN participator queue up to bath Buddha.

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并且,它可能给佛教徒地方会集。Also, It can give buddhist a place to gather.

佛教徒已经选择了贝林戈。The Buddhist has already chosen the Berlingo.

皈依三宝的人是佛教徒或称佛弟子。The refuge in the buddhist or says buddhists.

对早期佛教徒来说,业力是非线性的。For the early Buddhists, karma was non-linear.

佛教徒从不强迫别人信佛。Buddhists never force people into their belief.

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所以嘛,现在佛教徒正在用从伊斯兰教那山寨来的战术。So, now the Budhism is using tactics from Islam.

佛教徒称之为莲花佛国。The blossom lotus symbolized the prospering country.

王成日日诵经,总的来说,他是一个虔诚的佛教徒。Every day Wang chanted Buddhist sutras, or scripture.

如果我是邪恶的,我会憎恨自己,佛教徒想着。If I were evil, I would hate me, the Buddhist thinks.

这以后,他与释迦牟尼签下誓约,变成了一位佛教徒。He later took vows with Sakyamuni, becoming a Buddhist.

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但他确实是佛教徒,而佛教徒们有着具包容力的灵魂。But he is a Buddhist, and Buddhists have expanding souls.

他是一位退休教师,也是一位兼职佛教徒。He was a retired teacher and a part-time Buddhist priest.

佛教徒称之为莲花佛国。Buddhists call it the 'Buddhist Country of Lotus Flowers'.