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新减税额只是九牛一毛。The new tax cuts are a drop in the ocean.

对李经理来说,这点钱只是九牛一毛。More than one thousand yuan. Manager Li treated us.

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涉及金额对财大气粗的通用来说不过是九牛一毛。The sums involved were small beer for a behemoth like GE.

在7000万只狗里,受感染的数量不过是九牛一毛而已。In a population of 70 million, that’s a drop in the bucket.

唉,我那点知识不过是本学科的九牛一毛而已。Well, my knowledge in the field is but a drop in the bucket.

对一位百万富翁来说,买一辆豪华车的花费只是九牛一毛。For a millionaire the cost of a luxury car is a drop in the bucket.

同播出的实际开支相比较,他那点酬金不过是九牛一毛。His fee is a drop in the ocean compared with the real cost of broadcasting.

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而且这不过是去年整个互联网上流量的九牛一毛罢了。And that’s only a tiny slice of the bits that flew around the Internet last year.

假如这个数字是真实的,那中国移民海外的人数只是九牛一毛。If this is an accurate number, then China's outbound migration seems a drop in the bucket.

他认为,与购买整片土地相比,这些钱对基金会来说是九牛一毛。This would be far less costly for the foundation, he argues, than buying the land outright.

艾克,闻名全巴西的矿石巨头,带着我们这样兜风对他来说就是九牛一毛。Eike, as the minerals magnate is known in Brazil, could easily afford to give us this joyride.

虽然近期中国工人的工资有了一定幅度的增长,但是跟美国本土的人工相比还是九牛一毛。Even with recent increases, wages for Chinese workers are still a fraction of those for Americans.

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如此大的绿化面积已相当可观,然而这跟整个芝加哥绿色屋顶的总面积相比只不过九牛一毛。Large as it is, City Hall's roof accounts for a small proportion of Chicago's total green-roof space.

实际上,听觉的效果也同样强大,不过现今广告商利用的听觉优势只是九牛一毛。Hearing, however, can be just as powerful, though advertisers have taken only limited advantage of it.

这些是超级富豪食物链顶端的人物,七位数的损失对他们来说只是九牛一毛。These are the super-wealthy, the top of the food chain. A seven digit loss for them is a drop in the bucket.

然而,环保主义者拒绝建设一个小型的核能发电厂,和风场比起来简直就是九牛一毛。Yet environmentalists object to the building of one small nuclear plant, which, compared with a windfarm, is tiny.

盖特比评述,与航行所产生的热气排放量相比,这点降温效果只是“九牛一毛”。Gatebe describes the cooling effect as "a drop in the ocean" compared with the amount of warming shipping emissions cause.

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这些摩托只是随着中国为在斯里兰卡扩大力量而注入的大批捐助、补贴、投资和贷款中的九牛一毛而已。The bikes are just part of a huge infusion of donations, grants, investments and loans as China's presence in Sri Lanka explodes.

这些摩托只是随着中国为在斯里兰卡扩大力量而注入的大批捐助、补贴、投资和贷款中的九牛一毛而已。The bikes are just part of a huge infusion of donations, grants, investments and loans as China’s presence in Sri Lanka explodes.

在北京这样竞争异常激烈的城市,小孩的吃穿费用和他的教育比起来只能算是九牛一毛。The cost of feeding and clothing a child is nothing compared with the cost of educating him or her in a competitive city like Beijing.