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其中马丁斯平稳绘制凸轮他们。One of Martins smoothest drawing cams they have.

凸轮三维实体模型自动生成模块。Three-dimensional solid model cam module automatically.

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凸轮轴上有一个凸轮,凸轮上有一个凸角。The camshaft has a cam, on which there is a lob, or bump.

在凸轮耳朵附近巩固与电缆扎匝的气门盖。Secure the valve cap with a cable tie around the cam ears.

防坠器向上滑动自如,而向下受重时凸轮会制停。Slides easily up the rope and jams when the cam is loaded.

下图是一个卡在岩缝中的凸轮。The general image of a typical cam in a crack is shown below.

现代凸轮来了各种各样的感觉和水平的侵略。Modern cams come in a variety of feels and levels of aggression.

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有关中心凸轮的用途,请与本公司联系。For applications with a central locking cam please contact DIRAK.

日本高精度凸轮分度工位器,定位准确。Japan's high-precision cam-position device, accurate positioning.

它是一个好想法周期性地润滑凸轮、轨和轴衬。It is a good idea to lube the cams, axles and bushings periodically.

从1958年起,便已使用带有单顶置凸轮机的发动机。Since 1958, an engine with a single overhead camshaft has been used.

本文将对凸轮的逆序测量方法进行探讨。This article discusses the negative sequence measurement of the cam.

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最后,介绍了一种根据实测升程表复制凸轮廓线的简便方法。A simple and convenient method reproducing cam profile is recommended.

给设计高速重载凸轮提供良好的依据。Satisfactory basis is provided for design of high-speed heavy-load cam.

并给出了知识工程在凸轮精确建模和机床尾架设计应用实例。The application examples of KBE in cam and tailstock design were given.

在四行程循环时,每凸轮必须旋转打开一阀门。Each cam must revolve once during the four-stroke cycle to open a valve.

高次方凸轮是目前应用较广的一种整体式函数凸轮。High order valve cam is a kind of integral function cam and used widely.

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并著重论述了该旋切机凸轮进给机构的设计。The design of can feed mechanism is also mainly emphasized in this paper.

上臂支点有4步凸轮调整容易轧辊中心的变化。Upper arm pivots have 4-step cam adjustment for easy roll center changes.

本文介绍对1511型喷气织机主气缸供气凸轮所作的改进设计。Improved design is introduced of air-supply cam of air-jet loom type 1511.