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烧烤大师掌勺KGC烤鸡KFC "Grill Sergeants" Master Kentucky Grilled Chicken

我是周日早上家庭传统早饭的掌勺。I am also the chef for the family's traditional Sunday breakfast.

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但是渐渐的,雷哲毕开始发现自己不仅有掌勺的天赋,而且也不缺少干这份工作的热情。But then he discovered a talent and, more than that, a passion at the stove.

这家的泰国美食节是由专程请来的四位泰国主厨掌勺。Four star chefs from Thailand are going to play the lead role in this festival.

因为没有味觉,只能陈师傅掌勺康远桥打下手。Because there is no sense of taste, can master Chen cooking Kang Yuan bridges boy.

由技艺精湛的专业大厨亲子掌勺,提供时尚独特的创新粤式、西式,东南亚美食。Run by professional chefs, our restaurants serve unique Cantonese, Western and South East Asian dishes.

酒店现有名师掌勺的正宗上海菜,又有风味特色的广式粤菜。The hotel has not only traditional Shanghai dishes by famous chefs but special Guangdong dishes as well.

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难以想象现在古斯特餐厅掌勺的天才大厨竟是如此卑微不起眼的出生,但他可以说是,从我评论家的眼光看,巴黎最一流的主厨。But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new.

咖啡厅、露天小院、五星级厨师掌勺的西餐厅则是东八区的另一半风景!Cafe, yard with open air and Western restaurant with five-star chefs are Timezone 8's other side of attractions.

餐饮部特聘特级名厨掌勺,隆重推出具有兴业特色的八大菜系。The restaurant section specially engaged super cooks, offering dishes of eight grand origins with Xingye's characteristics.

起初我只是做点油酥糕点,因为只有华裔厨师才被允许作热菜,但我设法劝服厨师长让我掌勺。At first, I only did pastry, because the non-Chinese were not allowed to cook hot food, but I persuaded the head chef to let me cook.

周六晚上我的侄子和她的一个好朋友会过来,为了母亲我要亲自掌勺,希望可以办一个温馨的小宴会。I am making dinner for Mom on Saturday one of her dear friends is coming and also my nephew, which should make a nice little dinner party.

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也许用不了多久,游客们不仅可以在环绕地球轨道运行的太空酒店入住,而且还能品尝名厨掌勺烹制的美味佳肴,不过前提是这家俄罗斯公司能够如期兑现自己的计划。Tourists could soon be eating food designed by celebrity chefs while orbiting the earth in a space hotel if plans by a Russian firm go ahead.

切尔西坚持素食已有十年之久,这次她邀请餐饮界翘楚奥利弗·陈为婚宴素食者掌勺。Chelsea has been a vegan for more than ten years and instructed society caterer Olivier Cheng to provide vegetarian and vegan dishes for the wedding feast.

很难想象现在在古斯特饭店里掌勺的可以说是巴黎最好的大厨竟然有着那么卑微的身世。It is difficult to imagine the humblest origin of this genius that now cooks in the Gusteau's Which is in the opinion of this critic nothing less than the best boss of France.

据路透社报道,本周,亚太经合组织峰会将在新加坡举行,负责掌勺的厨师被告知要少用大蒜和洋葱,以免与会贵宾口气不雅。Chefs preparing the menu for the Asia-Pacific leaders meeting this week have been told to cut back on the garlic and onion to ensure the talks are not an olfactory challenge, Reuters reported.

这次国宴由第一夫人米歇尔亲自统筹,“华裔军师陈远美具体落实,白宫“第一厨”康莫福德掌勺。The state banquet in person by the first lady co-ordination, "Chinese military counselor Yuan-specific implementation of the United States, the White House" First Kitchen "commodore Ford chef.

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这座高耸入云的巨型酒店拥有2560个单间和套房,顶级名厨掌勺的餐厅、购物区和影院应有尽有,另外酒店里还有一所博物馆、一家赌场和一座水晶亭。The enormous hotel, which dominates the Singapore skyline, has 2, 560 rooms and suites, a fleet of celebrity chef restaurants, shopping areas, theatres, a museum, a casino and a crystal pavilion.