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菊花是一项传统禁忌,一项引人入胜、激动人心的禁忌。Anal is taboo, therefore, exciting.

这部新小说是一怖引人入胜赌家世孝说。This new novel is an absorbing saga.

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得到这个引人入胜的顶部心醉。Get enchanted by this spellbinding top.

这本书引人入胜,完全征服了读者。This page-turner has captivated readers.

这本书的风格本身就会引人入胜。The very style of the book is fascinating.

这部新小说是一部引人入胜的家世小说。This new novel is an absorbing family saga.

晚蓟却争紫斗艳,引人入胜。Late thistles make spectacular purple accents.

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今晚的歌剧演出华丽瑰异,引人入胜。The opera tonight was magnificent and enchanting.

日食是非常引人入胜的天文现象。Eclipse is a very intriguing astronomic phenomenon.

但是在学习过程中,你需要创造引人入胜的体验。But ina learning experience, you want a page-turner.

此类引人入胜的小故事在拉莫先生的书中比比皆是。Mr Ramo's book is full of engaging vignettes like this.

蓝默先生的新书博引旁徵这番引人入胜的奇闻逸事。Mr Ramo’s book is full of engaging vignettes like this.

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我跟你说,这真是一本引人入胜的好书啊。太令人兴奋了。It's a real page-turner, I tell you. It's very exciting.

瘦西湖是扬州最引人入胜之处。Slender West Lake is the premier attraction in Yangzhou.

这本书很引人入胜,但读起来并不轻松。The book is an absorbing read, but not a comfortable one.

比赛如此引人入胜,奥运如此富有魅力。The race is so ravishing, and the Olympics is so charming.

情绪使我们的生活变得丰富多彩、引人入胜。Emotions are a part of what make life rich and fascinating.

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发现的光谱童话引人入胜的黑暗的一面。Discover the spectral spellbinding dark side of fairy tales.

我们并不需要花花公子杜福来告诉我们,它是如此引人入胜的。We didn't need surfer dudes to tell us that it was interesting.

好书开卷引人入胜,闭卷使人受益。It is a good book opened with expectation and closed with profit.