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药剂是用蛇胆提炼而成的。This medicine was extracted from the gallbladder of snakes.

建立了测定蛇胆陈皮胶囊中橙皮苷的HPLC法。HPLC method for determination of hesperidin in Shedan Chenpi capsules was established.

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目的建立HPLC测定蛇胆追风丸中芍药苷含量的方法。Objective To establish a method of measuring paeoniflorin in Shedan Zhuifeng pills by HPLC.

那里还有一种混入蛇胆和蛇血的酒,据说可以明目。Then, there is snake gall and blood mixed in liquor that supposedly will brighten your eyes.

目的建立以薄层扫描法测定蛇胆川贝液中牛磺胆酸含量的方法。Objective To determine the content of the taurocholic acid in Shedanchuanbei solution by TLCS.

而且,蛇胆和蛇血混合而制成的酒据说有明目的作用。Then there are also snake gall and blood mixed in liquor which supposedly will brighten your eyes.

结论本法可运用于药材鉴别,但不适用于含蛇胆的中成药鉴别。CONCLUSIONS This method is only suitable for the identification of snake bile but not the ready made drugs.

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结果金蛇胆口服液无急性毒性反应,能明显抑制二甲苯诱发的小鼠耳壳肿胀。Results The acute toxicity experiment shows that king snake bile oral liquid does not produce any acute toxic reactions.

蛇胆疮治疗须不须要挂水?用什么方法治疗较快?最快要几天才能好?。Must beard of cure of anguine bravery sore want to hang water? With what method to treat faster? Most a few days be about is gift nice?

蛇胆川贝液的主要成份是蛇胆汁、川贝母等清化痰火之品,主治痰火壅肺的咳嗽。Shedan Chuanbei liquid snake bile is the main component, such as Thanh Hoa Fritillaria Tanhuo of the goods, attending pyrophlegm obstruct lung cough.

目的运用分子标记技术鉴定药材蛇胆的真伪,以克服目前仅依据形态、显微特征及理化性状进行鉴别的不足。AIM It is difficult to identify the Chinese crude drug snake gallbladder accurately by morphological and microscopical characteristics or chemical components only.

联系中医临床效能与存在胆汁酸成份的关系,为中医应用蛇胆治疗疾病提供科学依据。By studying the relation between the bile acid composition and the clinical effects, this study provides a scientific basis for clinical application of snake bile.

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蛇胆为传统中药,本研究综述了其化学成分、药理研究及鉴定研究进展。Snake gallbladder is a traditional Chinese medicine. The researches on chemical components, pharmacological effect and authentication of this Chinese crude drug were reviewed.