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这样的节拍很舒缓It's very understated in terms of a beat.

按摩是舒缓压力的一剂妙方。Massage is a wonderful antidote to stress.

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滋润和舒缓正常及问题皮肤。Tones and soothes normal and problem skin.

尝试舒缓的鼻孔交替呼吸法。And try soothing alternate-nostril breathing.

有人喜欢听一些舒缓的音乐。Some people like listening to soothing music.

还可以听一些舒缓的经典音乐。So is listening to some soothing classical music.

金盏花全效舒缓B.B。美颜霜★。Calendula & Licorice Perfect Soothing B. B. Cream.

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梨园的生活是舒缓的,慢调的,闲适的。Legendary life is soothing, slow tune, and leisure.

让颈部放松操帮助你舒缓紧绷的脖子。Stretch your tight neck with a Seated Neck Release.

泉水叮咚,弹一曲心中舒缓的歌。The spring water comes out gently and euphoniously.

进考场前的深呼吸可以帮你舒缓压力及紧张情绪。Before going into the room, take three DEEP breaths!

这实际上舒缓和滋润剃须后。This actually soothes and moisturizes after shaving.

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沿着这条植被带海拔上升舒缓。Along this transect the rise in elevation is gradual.

这点是惊人的舒缓和安抚本身。This spot is amazing soothing and pacifying in itself.

一位老太太说,这是舒缓的像一个冷敷。One old lady said it was soothing, like a cold compress.

白噪音这种舒缓的声响能够帮你进入梦乡而且让你睡得很沉。Buy a white-noise machine and use it when you go to sleep.

播放最喜欢的音乐还有助于舒缓各种腰背疼痛症。Cranking your favorite music may help eliminate back pain.

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那边,一个男人在练习动作舒缓的太极。Over there, a man performed the slow-motion dance of tai chi.

揉擦轻触在皮肤表面,来舒缓和促进皮肤的治愈。Rub or touch lightly onto skin to soothe and promote healing.

试用后一小时的飞机恢复按摩舒缓时差。Try a soothing Jetlag recovery massage after hours on a plane.