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这是一个自我阻挠的系统。It is a self- thwarting system.

他以冗长的演说阻挠了那项动议的通过。He stonewalled against the motion.

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央视一定试图阻挠对手。It must be tempting to nobble a rival.

执法受到了阻挠。The execution of the law was obstructed.

听众用咳嗽声阻挠演讲人的沉闷发言。The audience coughed down the tedious speaker.

较高的酸性会阻挠细菌生长。The higher acid level thwarts bacterial growth.

阻挠他们也没有用处。Time and again I have been bottlenecked by him.

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我为什么经常要被这恶狗阻挠?Must I be always baulked by this rascally hound?

欧共体多次阻挠关贸总协定专家小组的组建。The EC repeatedly blocked formation of a GATT panel.

阻挠在立法机构中采用阻碍策略。To use obstructionist tactics in a legislative body.

“太多的自我控制会阻挠人们的创造力,”她说。"Too much self-control thwarts creativity," she says.

参议院调查人员的工作受到了科氏的阻挠。Senate investigators were upset by the Kochs’ tactics.

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他们的蓄意阻挠会比阿卜杜拉国王的统治持续得更久。Their obstructionism will outlast King Abdullah's reign.

这些都不能阻挠多种形式的改革。None of this precludes reform which comes in many guises.

管制者或许会对实时竞价系统的发展进行阻挠。Regulators may yet stymie the growth of real-time bidding.

但是政治上的阻挠让田间试验推迟了8年。But political hurdles delayed field-testing by eight years.

分析师指出,减少承担风险可能会阻挠那些原本效力雷曼的员工.Less risk-taking may hinder ex-Lehman staff, analysts said.

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作为一种政府的手段,阻挠议事的行动非常难以理解。The filibuster is an incomprehensible device of government.

唯有此时,才没湖岸阻挠那波纹。Only at this time there is no lakeshore to stop the ripples.

长久以来,这帮人阻挠和煽动反对医改的行为一直得到了纵容。For too long they have been allowed to obstruct and demagogue.