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能够与你共事,是我梦寐以求的事情。You are a dream to work with.

我在伦敦和他共事过。I worked with him here in London.

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你会跟艾文再度共事。You'd be working with Elvin again.

我们会吊唁和你一起共事的韶光。We'll miss doing business with you.

没有谁喜欢和狡猾的人共事。No one like to deal with a pawky person.

实际上我不介意和其他人共事。I don't mind working with other people actually.

整天和我们共事的人们都在那里。The people I collaborate with all day are there.

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向同事学习,与同事合作共事。C. 1. Works cooperatively and learns from colleagues.

胡佛和托尔森共事40多年。Hoover and Tolson worked together more than 40 years.

她瞧不起与她共事的女勤杂工。She look down on the office girls she have work with.

你愿意和别人一起共事还是单干?Which would you prefer, working with others or alone?

邓恩发现哈蒙德是他可能共事的那种人。Dein views Hammond as someone with whom he could work.

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据说,穆拉利青睐的是与其共事的工程师韩瑞麒。Mulally is said to favor fellow engineer Joe Hinrichs.

这里的全体教工和学生都是优秀的共事人才。Both the staff and the students were great to work with.

不会吧,摩恩先生。我们在这家公司共事多年。Awc'mon, Mr. Moan. We're old compatriots in this company.

不管你喜欢与否,现在的职场就是多代共事的。Like it or not, the multi-generational workplace is here.

因此我们还会共事一小短时间!So we still co-work together for a short periods of time!

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有些新员工相互合谋共事。Some of the new employees are in cahoots with each other.

他们显然很喜欢和他共事莎翁的名剧。They clearly enjoy working with him and with Shakespeare.

我每到一处就有人知道Emem或者曾和她共事过。Everywhere I go someone knows Emem or has worked with her.