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在厕所里可以默念佛号吗?Can I chant Amitabha Buddha silently?

恩师引领四众弟子念佛。The teacher led four Buddha disciple.

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真能念佛,不计是非人我,即大忍辱。Really able to recite, excluding non-person I, that is great shame.

我们念佛就是要念到花开见佛,什么叫花开见佛?We pray to Buddha is to read to bloom Xianfo, what is a bloom Jianfo?

真能念佛,不为他歧所惑,即大智慧。Really Buddha, not for his discrimination temptations that great wisdom.

蒋居士说,有他在家,他们老俩口念佛心也不静啊!With him at home, the couple could not concentrate on chanting the sutra.

真能念佛,不复起贪瞋痴,即大持戒。Really able to recite, no longer from the Tan Tianchi, that great precepts.

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有钱人多行善,不要老吃斋念佛,装做好人。Rich people to do good, not the old Chizhai Buddhism, loaded to be good people.

念佛庵让我买的光盘内金典酒店所有媒体,他们都很棒!Chanting Om made me buy all of the Inner Splendor Media CDs and they are ALL terrific!

你的转载是对本贴最大的支持,让更多人同念佛恩!Your reprint of this paste maximum support so that more people with both sexes are TU !

侧房里则可能见有信徒跪拜其中、诵经念佛。Groups of followers may be seen kneeling in a side room while they read from prayer books.

她的叔叔拍了这些相片并将之组成教人念佛的佳作。Her uncle took these photos and composed the master piece on teaching people to chant Amitabha.

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人生最高的享受是学佛。人生最大的快乐是念佛。Life is the highest enjoy learning Buddha. The greatest happiness in life is to pray to Buddha.

总之,他就这样一路跟著朝山者念佛进入精舍。As a result, he inadvertently followed the pilgrims chanting Buddha and entered the Jing Shi Abode.

非常念佛提到第一次只在著作的克莱门特亚历山大。The very name of Buddha is mentioned for the first time only in the writings of Clement of Alexandria.

如果你想去,你当一心念佛?机缘到了,阿弥陀佛一定会来接引你的。If you want to go there recite amitabha with all your heart and mind. when the time is right he will come for you.

那天晚上他没回家,而是不停地叩头、念佛、诵经。He didn't go home that night, but spent his time kowtowing, telling the Buddha Amitabha's name, and reciting sutras.

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念佛打坐入定时,也要防备小蚊子乘虚而入,叮咬得修行人遍体又痒又痛呀。Just like we must beware of intruding mosquitoes when doing meditation or otherwise we will end up being badly bitten.

义乌通达工艺品厂是一家专业生产各种念佛机、闪光魔镜、木八卦、喜庆辣椒、挂件。Yiwu Mastery is a professional production of handicrafts plant their sutras machines, flash mirror, wood nosy, jubilant mix, Guajian.

人生最大的财富是健康,人生最高的享受是学佛,人生最大的快乐是念佛。Life's greatest wealth is health, life is the enjoyment of the highest learning Buddha, the biggest happiness of life is also clearly.