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所有电器元件均采用知名品牌。All elements is well know brand.

高稳定性砷化镓霍尔元件。High-stability GaAs Hall element.

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锁紧松脱的机械元件。Lock loose mechanical components.

外部组件无有源元件。No active elements in outside unit.

文中还给出了选相元件的方框图。This paper shows its block diagram.

所有这些元件已经过热处理。All these parts have been heat-treated.

该元件厂有部分金属废料。The parts factory had some metal waste.

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过滤器元件支架,过滤器,墨笔。Filter element carrier, filter, ink pen.

它特别适宜于塑料光学元件。It is suitable for plastic optical cell.

不要随意拆卸电器元件。Do not disassemble electrical components.

所有电器元件均采用知名品牌。All electrical elements is well know brand.

拉伸元件可能由于塑性屈伏而破坏。A tension member may fail by plastic yielding.

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同样,他也不会说出含有这些元件的汽车的名字。Again, he would not name which cars have them.

将开启「建立现地元件」对话方块。The Create In-Place Component dialog box opens.

导管886还可以是天线元件。The conduit 886 may also be an antenna element.

镍膜热敏电阻是一种很有开发前景的感温元件。This kind of sensors is a highly promising one.

资源库资料夹储存标准元件。The Libraries folders store standard components.

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当元件降落时子元件将跟随。Children will follow when a component is dropped.

这一方法也适用于其它分立元件的励磁调节装置。This method can be applied to other ones as well.

波纹管是组成膨胀节的基本元件。Bellows are the basic units of an expansion joint.