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想想以前,真的有种患得患失的感觉!Think before really unique aggregation feeling!

紧紧把握生活,但不要患得患失。Firmly grasp, but do not worry about the outcome.

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然而,喜欢一个人的时候,你会变得患得患失,害怕被她拒绝。However, u'll become thinking and fear of being refused.

面对荣耀时,不要患得患失,要以克制为良方。Facing honor, don't calculate gain or loss, but be restrained.

在梵音袅袅中,冷却的是拥有的患得患失。In the Vatican sound waves , cooling is already have got lost.

失去了机会,错过了时机,患得患失的生命充满了恐惧。The chance is missed. For a life lived thusly is a life lived from fear.

你认为我们中的哪一个会在这个游戏中表现得更加患得患失呢?Who do you think is going to play more conservatively in this game of poker?

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你看我们才上初中,患得患失的心这么严重!You see we in junior high school, about the outcome of the heart so serious!

而且,往往年轻的女人患得患失的问题老女人已经过了该操心的年纪。Further, younger women are likely to have issues that older women have outgrown.

生命的每一天里,我们忙忙碌碌,斤斤计较,患得患失。Every day, we are busy, haggling over every ounce and considerations of gain and loss.

孔子说,“君子胸怀宽广,舒畅和平,小人患得患失,经常忧伤。”The Master said, "The gentleman is broad-minded, the small man is always narrow-minded."

的感情又让她患得患失,所以来到贾府不久后就有了“孤高自许,目无下尘”的评价。Feelings and let her roll, so came to Jia Fu soon had the "exclusive conceited, overstepping the dust".

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女的写的“做后感”,患得患失——觉得男的不爱她,只是肉体上的满足想要征服女的。In fact, he does not really love me, I just want the physical, to conquer my body, but I am extremely excited.

教案设计了一遍又一遍,总是觉得不够完善。于是在患得患失和急火攻心中,我的嗓子哑了。As a perfectionist, sometimes I even got a sore throat due to the constant dissatisfaction about my teaching plan.

我们应该做的,就是踏踏实实地提高自己,不要因为成绩的好坏患得患失。Gold will always shine. What we should do, is improve ourselves. Dont be too different just because of your score.

提醒自己我将要死去,我认为是避免患得患失的最好办法。Remembering that you are going to die is the best way Iknow to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.

记着你总有一天会离开这个世界,这是我知道的防止患得患失的最佳办法。Remembering that you are going to die is the best way to know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.

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记着你总会死去,这是我知道的防止患得患失的最佳办法。Remembering 5 that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.

暧昧是甜津津又同时酸溜溜的,往往从未开始,已叫人不安,患得患失。It is sweet honey while sour, often it dose not start, has been very unsetting and worried about personal gains and losses.

患得患失真的是一种病。两个人的关系中,主动与被动从来都那么难以把握。Worry about personal gains and losses is really a disease. The relationship between two people, active and passive never so hard to hold.