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他给了她门牌号码。He gave her the number.

灿烂的阳光照在商店门牌上。The sun shines on the shop sighs.

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首先,写下你的门牌号码。First, write down your house number.

阿乔把门牌钉在墙上。Joe nailed the doorplate to the wall.

“你的门牌号码是什么?”万斯太太问。"What's your number?" said Mrs. Vance.

一些房子的门牌号码也是这样的。Some house door numbers are like that as well.

我们透过雾气细看门牌号码。We peered through the fog at the house numbers.

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每一个城镇都有名字。每一间房子也都有门牌。Each town has a name. And each house has a number.

请您务必将车停在街道两侧中门牌号码为偶数的那一侧。You must park on the even-numbered side of the street.

那人一路骑过来,挨家看着门牌号码。But the man came along, reading the numbers on the houses.

马来西亚槟城风车路门牌88号。邮编10300。No. 88 Jalan Gurdwara, 10300 George Town, Penang, Malaysia.

请您务必将车停在街道两侧中门牌号码为奇数的那一侧。You must park your cars on the odd-numbered side of the street.

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为何门牌号码规划从未入都市计划课程?Why has house number planning never been taught in city planning courses?

数以百万计的街道,门牌号码,在您的指尖兴趣点。Millions of streets, house numbers, points of interest at your fingertips.

作为标识的话,就是企业的标牌,门牌等一系列化的导视设计。As a logo, then, is the company's signs, numbers and a series of guides designed.

狮驼岭,一个很不错的门派。希望好好钻研这个门牌。Lions Camel Ridge, a very good door-to-door . I hope a good number of this study.

街道两旁的许多门牌上都有中国字。Many of the doorplates of houses and shops along the streets bear Chinese characters.

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门口装饰着徽章和以红色为底标识语的门牌。The entrance is decorated with emblems and plates with wording against the red background.

所以,重复第一个三个台阶,写下你的门牌号码,加倍,并添加了五个。So, to repeat the first three steps, write down your house number, double it, and add five.

本发明解决了黑暗中看不清门牌号码的问题。The invention solves the problem that the doorplate can not be seen clearly in the darkness.