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做了些什么,在相爱之前,依旧乳臭未干?Did, till we loved? Were we not weaned till then?

我想提醒你,我并非是个乳臭未干的孩子。I would like to mind you I was not born yesterday.

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罗斯只不过是一个乳臭未干的小子,他们说。Rose is simply the new kid on the block, they argue.

不要放在心上,那些只是些乳臭未干的小子。Don't take it to heart. They are just babes and sucklings.

别把这事放在心上。他们只是些乳臭未干的小子。Don't take it to heart, they are just babes and suck lings.

在别人眼里,我只是一个乳臭未干的毛头小子。In people look, I am a not dry behind the ears wool head boy only.

他竟然两次败在乳臭未干的小子手下,大力士的名声从此一落千丈。More a callow guy suddenly fall in the street so that we keep returning double.

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他竟然两次败在乳臭未干的小子手下,大力士的名声从此一落千丈。He had lost his reputation as a strong man, having been defeated twice by a mere boy.

也许吧。可是他还乳臭未干。他自己都不知道怎么开始工作。Maybe. But he is still wet behind the ears. He even has no idea of how to start the job.

“过来,”稍大一些的那个女孩轻蔑地说道,“你不会稀罕一个乳臭未干的小子的。”"Come on, " sneered the older girl disdainfully. "You wouldn't want a snotty brat on your hands. "

金无足赤,人无完人,更何况一只乳臭未干的小猫!"Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect" quite apart from a small cat not dry behind the ears !

胖嘟嘟的脸,自私自大,像瘦过身的保铃球,人类殿堂也容不下你这乳臭未干被宠坏的小鬼头。The fat-faced, self-absorbed, bowled cut, arrogant, spoiled brat has no place in the halls of humanity.

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也许她并不曾意识到自己曾经影响过那样一个乳臭未干的女孩。Perhaps she was never conscious of her one-time influence on a young, 'not yet wet behind the ears' girl.

他从一名乳臭未干的新飞行员快速成长为最伟大的起义军王牌战斗机飞行员。He quickly grew from a wet-behind-the-ears rookie pilot to the greatest ace of the Rebel fighter pilot forces.

当他是个乳臭未干的毛头小子时,曾在赌场里上过当,因此发誓从此不赌。When he was an inexperienced young man, he burned his fingers in the casino, and he swore never to gamble again.

作为一个乳臭未干的高中毕业生,我不知道真相,但我相信无风不起浪。As a suker just graduated from high school, I don't know the truth but I trust there where is a smoke, there is a fire.

首先,有刀疤这个家伙,他知道自己当不了荣耀之地的国王,除非铲除掉该死的穆法沙和他乳臭未干的儿子。First you have Scar, who knew he couldn't be king of the pridelands until that dick Mufasa and his brat son were out of the way.

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萨达姆一手造就的伊拉克政府解体了,但乳臭未干的临时政府根本无法维系他所建立的广义上的政治体制。The Iraqi state that Saddam had created was dismantled, but with such crudeness that the wider polity he had built also began to fall apart.

我们也深知,在任何地方,一旦自行车被安放到停车点,人们所做的头一件事,当然往往是乳臭未干的孩子所为,就是偷盗自行车。We know the moment that we put these stations down anywhere the first thing people do -- mostly it's teenagers -- is try to steal the bikes.

我们听说过多少乳臭未干的年轻人落入头生黄发,脸抹脂粉的女冒险家之手因而断送了生命的故事。How often have callow youths been known to ruin their lives by falling into the clutches of an adventuress with yellow hair and painted cheeks.