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我们来看关于x,y,z的一个线性方程。Let's take a linear function of x, y, and z.

薛定谔方程是一个线性方程。The Schr?dinger equation is a linear equation.

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线性方程的结果是可加的。Linear equation means that solutions are additive.

线性方程的一个特性是什么?What is one of the properties of a linear equation?

如解线性方程、随机数产生器。Such as solving linear equations, random number generator.

线性方程中的所有项均为一次项。All of the terms in a linear equation are of the first degree.

呃,在生活中,很多东西跟线性方程是相关的。Well, in life, a lot of things are related by linear formulas.

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然后,将回归后的线性方程还原成原曲线方程。Then, linear equation is turned back into curvilinear equation.

好了,现在我怎么解这个线性方程?Now, how do I solve a linear system matrix times x, y equals zero?

我忽略了一些内容,它们是矩阵、行列式、线性方程组。I skipped something. I skipped matrices, determinants, and linear systems.

首先进行的是薄壁开口圆弧钢曲梁非线性方程的推导。Firstly, the nonlinear equations of open thin-walled curved beams are derived.

雅可比迭代法是求解大型线性方程组的基本方法。Jacobi iteration is the basic method to solve the large-scale linear equations.

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常系数线性方程使用矩阵指数的方法求解。Higher-order linear equations are solved using Abramov and Bronstein algorithms.

用Matlab语言实现线性方程组的全主元三角分解法。PDF, using Matlab linear equations of all the main yuan triangular decomposition.

研究了一类非线性方程的初边值问题。Studies the initial boundary value problem of a new nonlinear evolution equation.

最高阶导数线性地出现的那种方程是准线性方程。A quasilinear equation is one in which the highest-order derivative appears linearly.

实现了一个在多处理机环境下线性方程组的并行求解器。A paralleling solver to the linear equations in multiprocessor environment is realized.

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如果是不相关的,你们可以,用线性方程近似地表示它们。And, even if they are not, maybe sometimes you can approximate them by linear formulas.

否则,此线性方程组无解,或者无穷解?Otherwise, well, AX equals B has either no solution, or infinitely many solutions. Yes?

归纳出解线性方程组的简捷程序。Induced a kind of convenient procedure for the solution of the linearity equational group.