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大部分影院只有一个放映厅。Most have only one screen.

这影片已连续放映了一个月。The film has run for a month.

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这部影片将连续放映到圣诞节。The film will run to Christmas.

该片也没有提前放映。There were no advance screenings.

其中一家全天放映卡通片。One theater shows cartoons all day.

这个戏剧院在放映什么片子?What is the film as of this cinema?

本星期放映什么影片?What film are they showing this week?

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这部影片未经预映便于除夕夜直接放映了。The movie was dumped on New Year's Eve.

点击这里了解放映时间表和预售票情况。Click here for times and presale tickets.

山体内部是投影放映厅。Inside the mountain are projection halls.

这部宽银幕影片已连续放映了一个月。The wide-screen film has run for a month.

无暇的记忆将会放映再现。Which memory that errs not shall retrace.

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她的影片在戛纳电影节首次放映。Her film was premiered in Cannes Festival.

我们把电视转到五频道吧。那儿在放映一部侦探惊险片。Let's switch to 5. There's a crime thriller.

电影院里放映的都是西方的精彩电影。Movie theaters show good films from the West.

在放映时规定回放顺序。Defines the playback order during presentation.

一些电影院正在为此影片安排同场放映。The film is being double-billed in some cinemas.

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在放映黄色影片的电影院里,观众们都鸦雀无声。In the skin-flick theaters, audiences were silent.

电影的放映时间贴在网路上。Showtimes for the movies are posted on the internet.

我闪社区最终放映了这部著名影片。The famous film eventually made its way to our nabe.