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好一个没有心肝、自私自利的小丫头!Unfeeling, selfish girl!

思想前瞻还是自私自利?Forward-thinking or self-absorbed?

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自私自利的人是可鄙的。One who is selfish is contemptible.

忘我主义的反面是自私自利。Altruism is the opposite of selfishness.

或者贪得无厌、自私自利、冷漠无情,诸如此类。Or greedy, selfish, uncaring, or whatever.

我一直都仍是个自私自利的杂种。I was still the selfish bastard I always was.

我们不愿承认我们孩子中的自私自利We do not acknowledge selfishness in our children

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您应该拒绝这种自私自利的手段。You should reject this self-serving sympathy ploy.

这样的比较明显地华而不实,而且自私自利。Such comparisons are obviously specious and self-serving.

他们只知道自私自利一代的信条。They only know the rules of a generation of self-seekers.

研究人员称,“毫无疑问,黑暗增加了人们自私自利的行为。”Nevertheless, darkness increased self-interested behavior.

它们忙着搬食物,但蚁群里也有自私自利的家伙。They are busy carrying food, but the ant colony and egoistic.

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他的无聊、自私自利、心胸狭窄受到了批评。He was criticized for being boring, selfish and narrow-minded.

自私自利之心,是立人达人之障。——吕坤。The selfish heart, is the barrier of made people's got talent.

亚当足够聪明,但是他也有点自私自利。Adam is clever enough, but he s also something of an egomaniac.

事实上,每个人都知道这是完全错误并且自私自利的。Indeed, everyone knows it is utterly false and self-serving only.

自私自利之心,是立人达人之障。Selfish heart, sign the barrier that the person reaches a person.

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她是个自私自利、假仁假义的女人,我瞧不起她。She is a selfish, hypocriticalwoman, and I have no opinion of her.

自私自利者多,专门利人者少。The selfishness are many, being utterly devoted to others are few.

它并不限于那种自私自利的目标,也不仅仅是经济上的目标。It is not restricted to egoistic goals, much less to economic goals.