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蓝王爷,南宫王爷,你们看上了哪家的姑娘啊?Blue King, Nangong Wang, you are a girl?

沈王爷回到他的父母那里期待能够得到赞赏。Shen returned to his parents for a pride.

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就要完成了,沈王爷。但我们的金属不够用了。Almost done, Lord Shen. But we ran out of metal.

所有的男同志们都享受了一回做王爷的感觉。Male comrades all enjoy a sense of Wangyeh to do so.

哦?这位郡王爷似乎很会投其所好。This county Wang Ye seems to be good at to throw it like.

最后,几个世纪后的苏王爷,成了王爷信仰现象的典型。Later, Prince Su became emblematic of the Wangye phenomenon.

为了她,你堂堂六王爷连帝位都不要了?"In order to her, you open six sovereign even tells all don"t?

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“哦,我的龙王爷,”他说,“利弗西疯了不成?”Why, in the name of Davy Jones, ' said he, 'is Dr Livesey mad?'

是怕我去了澜波馆见着郡王爷?Is afraid that I went to Lan wave building and see county Wang Ye?

为了保住帕良的性命,明月只好嫁给翁因王爷。In order to keep a good life, the moon had to marry weng for report.

在抗击匈奴的战争中立功,他被授予王爷的位号。He was made a duke for his contribution in fighting against the Huns.

经王爷的努力,宝琦与柴九终还以清白。The sovereign treasure of efforts, and explored the wood to nine at innocence.

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“王子会追我们的。”另一个王爷说道,他的名字沙斯塔还没有听说过。"The Prince will chase us, " said another lord, whose name Shasta had not heard.

本文第四章讨论蔡秋桐的另一篇小说〈王爷猪〉。As to the fourth chapter, it discussed about Mr. Tsay's another novel---" The Wanye Worship ".

荣王爷说这番话时正站在东厢一间蓝色的屋里。It was in the eastern or blue chamber in which stood Prince Prospero as he uttered these words.

龙王爷统领着阴阳界,阳代表着男性,阴代表着女性。Fung Yin Yang Master Dragon Lord, and Yang represents the male, yin to that Celebrity Dresses woman.

为了让女儿飞上枝头变凤凰,赛金的母亲把入住在她客栈里的王爷引进了女儿的寝室。In order to marry her daughter to the Duke, Saijing's mother lures the Duke to her daughter's bedroom.

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马王爷出墓之后,也神情诡异,留下一段神秘的话让子孙照做,之后溘然而逝。Royal Highness the tomb after the horses, but also look strange, leaving a mystery, then to sons did, then Passed dies.

听到这话,每个人都站了起来,房门打开了,王爷和其他随从站在一边,让国王和女王先走出门去。Everyone arose at this and the doors were opened and the lords and the creatures stood aside for the King and Queen to go out first.

几年来,大北公司从一个满清王爷手里租赁了一个富丽堂皇的院子,这位王爷辛亥革命以后回了奉天。For several years Great Northern had rented a palatial compound from a Manchu prince, who had returned to Mukden after the revolution.