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安陆金泉禅寺,一处佛教场所。Jinquan Temple is a Buddhist site.

中禅寺湖的赏金,日光,日本。The bounty of Lake Chuzenji, Nikko, Japan.

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这是我第一次到中台禅寺。This is my first time trip to Chung Tai Chan Monastery.

乾元禅寺至今已有1400多年的历史。Third Patriarch Temple has a history of over 1400 years.

这一次是在韩国一个古老的禅寺。This time it was an ancient Zen monastery in South Korea.

一些寺庙,如归元禅寺,代表古老的宗教。Some temples such as Guiyuan Templerepresent archaic religion.

柏林禅寺从1988年恢复建设以来,现已发展成为全国性的大寺。Bailin Temple has developed into a nationwide temple since 1988.

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明年度的会议,将选择在密西根州安那宝市的禅寺举行。Next year's conference will be at the Zen Buddhist Temple of Ann Arbor.

位于香港的宝莲禅寺以其34米高的巨型佛像闻名The Po Lin Monastery in Hong Kong is famous for its 34-metres-high giant Buddha

研究6-BA对甜柿禅寺丸果实中糖、酸含量的影响。The research aimed to study the effects of 6-BA on Zenjimaru persimmon fruit inclusion.

他广游禅寺、交结僧人、感悟禅理,在禅观启示下体悟社会与人生,调整自己的贬谪失衡心态。He travelled a lot, experiencing and sensing the society and human life to adapt his mentality.

2007年,柏林禅寺生活禅第十五届夏令营营员在法师的带领下体会坐禅。Participants of the 15th Summer Camp of Life Chan in 2007 in still-sitting meditation led by a monk.

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龙安寺有世界著名的岩石园,正是岩石园吸引了大部分游客来参观这座禅寺。Thee world famous rock garden at Ryoan-ji is what draws most people to visit this popular Zentemple.

史书记载明朝英宗皇帝亲赐寺名“万佛禅寺”。Historical records, Emperor Ming Yingzong thanks to the pro-temple name "Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery."

竹隐禅寺重建后,占地面积七亩,房屋建筑面积430平方米。Bamboo Hidden Temple rebuilt, covers an area of seven acres, housing construction area of 430 square meters.

天童寺又是一古刹,地位崇高,属于中国五大禅寺之一。Tiantong Temple is another important Buddhist temple in China. It has close connections with Japanese Buddhism.

敬请十方善信莅临大佛禅寺视察指导和关注,并支持大佛禅寺修建工程。Please ten party to Buddha temple inspection good faith guidance and attention, and support the Buddha temple building project.

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位于日本京都的中禅寺,其公园里的沙石曾被用来刺激海水的波动。In this garden outside Taizo-in Zen temple in Kyoto, Japan, raked gravel is used to simulate the waves and currents of seas and rivers.

盐城还有一些历史古迹,如唐朝的护国永宁禅寺和文学家施耐庵的故居。Yancheng has some Historic sites like The Tang Dynasty's protect the country Yong Ning county Buddhist temple and former residence of writer Shinai'an.

本文通过分析不同时期禅寺中法堂的变化,来阐述禅文化在禅寺建筑上的体现。This paper analyzes the embodiment of Zen culture on Zen Buddhist temple architecture through analyzing the changes of the planned temple in different periods.