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树枝在风中微微摇荡。Branches sway gently in the wind.

你可以在上面摇荡,there's rings you could swing on.

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我的心随潭水的绿而摇荡。My heart follows pool water green but sways.

摇荡的桶使一些牛奶溢出。SWAY】The sway of the pail caused some milk to spill out.

船儿轻轻摇荡,波声潺潺悦耳,孩子们不久就睡着了。The boat bobbled and the wave sound is sweet, the children slept soon.

长长的红色影子让墙上的狮子像水波一般摇荡着。Tall red shadows make the lions on the walls sway with a wavelike motion.

2006年4月10日,夜幕下,野草地里的也芦苇随风摇荡,四周的高楼正在紧张施工。Reeds are swayed by the wind at night in Guangzhou of Guangdong, Apr. 10, 2006.

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看,我要使你们脚下的地摇荡,好像满载禾捆的车摇荡一样。Behold, I will crush you to the ground, as a cart does when it is full of sheaves.

船儿轻轻摇荡,波声潺潺悦耳,孩子们不久就睡着了。As the boat swung mildly and waves sounded pleasant, the children got asleep very soon.

舰船摇荡运动具有混沌特性,因而可以应用混沌理论对其进行预报。Ship swaying motion can be predicted by the chaos theory due to its chaotic characteristic.

风中摇荡,闪烁出一种可怕的紫色光芒。Plants and mushrooms sway in a silent breeze, glowing with an eerie iridescent purple light.

植物跟蘑菇在静寂的风中摇荡,闪烁出一种可怕的紫色光线。Plants and mushrooms sway in a silent breeze, glowing with an eerie iridescent purple light.

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混合伏特加酒及君度摇荡后入高杯,加入七喜至八分。Mix Vodka And Cointreau with Ice in a shaker and pour into a tall glass. Add the 7-Up to taste.

混合伏特加酒及君度摇荡后入高杯,加入七喜至八分。Mix vodka and cointreau with ice in a shaker and pour in to a tall glass. add the7-up to taste.

船舶的摇荡运动对安装在船上的起重机结构和部件的安全工作产生影响。Sway movements bring harm to the safety of working of crane which is installed on the board of vessel.

船儿轻轻摇荡,波声潺潺悦耳,孩子们不久就睡着了。Lulled by the gentle motion and soothed by the rippling music of the waves the babies soon fell asleep.

当然,一段令人必旌摇荡的新恋情展开的时候,我们的确会忽视负面情况和一切警示信号。Of course, it's easy to igrone the downside and all the warning signs when an exciting new romance is just starting.

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微波一圈套一圈的扩展开来,樱树和松树的倒影也在波面微微摇荡。The rings of waves spread outward, causing the reflections of the cherries and pines to tremble on the surface of the pond.

洁白的芦花,你的风采,你的浪漫,你飘逸摇荡中轻盈的身姿,是我儿时最深刻,最美妙的记忆。White flowers, your style, your romantic, elegant you sway in the lithe physique, is my most profound, the most wonderful memory.

身着一袭宽大的睡袍,端着红酒摇荡的高脚杯,在宽阔的空间赤足行走。Wearing the generous nightgown, carrying the goblet with flowing wine, she is walking in the broad living room with the bare feet.