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你看这一片都是油渍,我担心它洗不掉。Don't worry. We can have a way to wash it off.

她把她大衣上所有油渍都去掉了。She removed all the grease stains from her overcoat.

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一大羣鸟飞越靠近布莱顿水声岛的油渍水域。Birds fly over oil on the water near Breton Sound Island.

深色衣服上的油渍,用残茶叶搓洗能去污。Brunet dress in the oil, tea 8g into can decontamination.

褴褛的黑色西装皱皱巴巴的,还有星星点点的油渍。His worn black suit was wrinkled and spotted with grease.

这种特殊的清洗液应该可以洗掉那块油渍。This special cleaning liquid should get that spot of oil out.

她将碟子以惊人的速度放到干燥木板上,尽管它们大部分还残留这油渍。She was piling dishes on the draining-board at a terrific rate.

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用热水把菜盘上凝结的油渍冲洗掉。Use hot water to rinse the congealed fat off the dinner plates.

从邮戳看是发自伦敦的,上面已经布满模糊混乱的油渍了。It was postmarked from London and had the faintest aura of grease.

婴儿爽身粉用来去除衣服上的油渍效果很不错。Baby powder works wonders at getting oil stains out of your clothes.

受持小棍子搅动水坑里的油渍映射出的彩虹图案。Take a stick and swirl the rainbow pattern of an oily film on a puddle.

去除工厂木制地板上油渍和污渍的过程。Process of removing build-up of oil and dirt crust from wood block shop floors.

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能除去灰尘、污秽物、油渍、沥青、霉菌污迹、海藻污点、蜡油等等。To remove dirt, grime, oil, tar, grease, mildew stain, algae stain, waxes, etc.

在洗衣服前可先用小苏打水浸泡衣服上的油渍。Soak oil or grease stains with baking soda and water before washing the clothes.

光是给小企鹅清除羽毛上黏腻腻的黑色油渍就花了一周时间。It took him a week just to clean the sticky black residue from the bird's feathers.

遇有顽固油渍、污渍,可使用清洁剂及毛刷擦洗即可。In the event of stubborn oil, stains, cleaning agents and can be used to scrub brush.

可以防止污垢,土壤,深色液体,和油渍渗透到石材表面。It prevents dirt, soils, dark liquid, and oil stains from penetrating into the surface.

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可口可乐可以用来搞厕所的卫生、祛除油渍残留,还可以用来松化生锈的铁钉。Coca Cola can be used to clean toilet, removing grease stains and to loosen rusty bolts.

你希望他们强壮、粗暴、腆着啤酒肚、口气中有馅饼味儿,还有油渍斑斑的平顶帽。you want them to be burly, and surly, beer-bellied, with pie-breath and greasy flat-cap.

少许牙膏拌上洗衣粉混合搓洗衣服上的油污,油渍可除。Some toothpaste mix on detergent mixture 8g into oil, oily be soiled clothes can be removed.