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我不知道,一个幽灵?I don’t know. A spirit?

那个幽灵唱诗班就是最好的。The ghost choir is the best.

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幽灵恐怖,怕鬼…Phasmophobia- Fear of ghosts.

幽灵潜艇究竟从何而来?Where dose the uso come from?

她从来不害怕幽灵。Ghosts could never affright her.

我已经找到第三个幽灵。I already found the third Ghost.

战争的幽灵逼近了。The specter of war loomed ahead.

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它们是幽灵,”一位出版人说。They're ghosts," said one publisher.

那个孩子像幽灵一样飞快地跑来跑去。That child flits about like a wraith.

乌尔姆幽灵的传奇由此诞生。The legend of the Wem Ghost was born.

幽灵似的骑马人在夜间催马而过。Phantom horsemen rode by in the night.

如果你是一朵云,而我是一个幽灵。If you were a cloud, and I was a ghost.

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我的幽灵喉咙突然像被什么可怕的东西哽住了。A ghostly lump came to my ghostly throat.

一些人还祭出了优生学的幽灵。Some are raising the specter of eugenics.

那多出来的11张幽灵选票从哪里来的?Where did the 11 phantom votes come from?

想起了可恶的德国幽灵——吸血鬼。Of the foul German spectre -- the Vampyre.

瘫痪故障的幽灵也将阻止他的实现。So did the spectre of crippling breakdowns.

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即邪恶、酷似活人的幽灵。You know, the evil doppelganger in some way.

但是幽灵想把克里斯汀占为己有。But the Phantom wanted Christine for himself.

像幽灵一样,她偷走了你的灵魂。Ghost-like, she steals up and takes you over.