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他甚至还在站点上邀约女孩子。He even used the site to ask out a girl.

谢谢你的邀约,但我有男朋友了.Thanks for asking,but I have a boyfriend.

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接受一个你一般不会接受的邀约。Accept an invitation you wouldn't normally.

你可能会觉得没头没脑突然邀约挺奇怪的,但一般人们都能够理解。It may feel weird to call out of the blue, but people understand.

贝吉里斯坦已经收到一份“不可拒绝”的邀约。Begeristain has there been made an offer that 'cannot be refused'.

可现在还看不出有谁想接受汉德森的邀约。But it is hard to see who might want to take up Mr Henderson's offer just now.

那里风景优美,女儿们可以邀约好友,他们也可以享有私密生活。It's just beautiful, and the girls can invite friends, and they can have privacy.

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所以,互相邀约在山谷的梨树下,摆一壶酒,彻夜倾谈。So, invite to the pear-tree of the valley, lay bare a pot of vino, talking all night.

我流浪,并邀约我的灵魂,悠然俯看一片夏天的草叶。I loafe and invite my soul, I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.

游戏再好玩,你也不该无视家人或朋友的邀约。Even the most interesting game should not keep you from going out with the family or friends.

环球影城是说明看到宝儿在美国的活动相当活耀而决定邀约宝儿担任演出。Universal Studios is said to have decided to cast BoA after seeing her activities in America.

我不看谱而能弹奏「莎乐美」的趟特技,赢得伦敦的邀约。Because of my stunt of playing Salome by heart, I received an interesting engagement in London.

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我拒绝了她的邀约,第二天,我翻箱倒柜把所有能找到的猎头电话全找了出来。I declined her offer and the next day I was busy compiling the name of every head-hunter I could find.

艾琳娜邀约麦格拉斯教授,与他发生关系,虽然她知道这是错误的。Elena is the one that asks Dr. McGrath out and pursues the relationshipeven though she knows it is wrong.

他现在已是蜚声国际,许多次被报章杂志电视节目邀约上座。He is now becoming famous on the international scene. He has appeared on various newspapers and TV shows.

在这样一场邀约中,特斯拉展示了能够产生交流电的机械振荡器,振荡器的一个缺陷是带有明显的大幅震动。During one such playdate, Tesla revealed his mechanical oscillator that could produce alternating currents.

海宝是对五彩缤纷鳃活的向往,对五光十色的生命的祝福,也是中国上海对来自五湖四海朋友的热情邀约。Hai Bao is the whish to colorful life and the warm invitation to friends from all over the world to Shanghai.

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Gueguen等人的一项研究测试了是否身处于浪漫的背景音乐下更有可能让一位女士同意对方的邀约。One study tested whether exposure to romantic music makes a woman more likely to agree to a date Gueguen et al.

他的邀约尚未被接受,蒙娜丽莎就继续保持她或者他神秘的微笑吧。His invitation has so far not been accepted, so for now the Mona Lisa will no doubt continue to smile enigmatically.

心有小窗,便有亮丽阳光进来,小酌一些温暖的故事,便有自由清风邀约一些花香或者白云。Heart is a small window, has bright sunshine, drink some warm stories, free wind invite some flowers or white clouds.