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名单真长啊。The list is too long.

是否有候补名单?Is there a waiting list?

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玉树未列入这一名单。Yushu wasn't on the list.

默林是列入决选名单上的候选人吗?。Are you on the short list ?

记不住这些名单?Can t memorize these lists?

您是否同意这个名单?Do you agree with the list?

这份名单并没有到此结束。The list doesn't end there.

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陈路在访客名单上签名,然后与罗伯茨先生乘电梯到十八楼。Larry signs the visitor list.

这一系列学校名单在fairtest.org网站上。The list is at fairtest. org.

这份名单是按年龄顺序排列的。The list is arranged in years.

在名单上他在她的名字旁打了一个勾号。He ticked the items one by one.

假设整个名单。Suppose that's the entire list.

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不过这个名单可以一直列下去。But the list could go on and on.

密歇根克雷格斯名单的故事。Craigs List stories of Michigan.

建立一个详细的会员名单Create detailed membership lists

我给名单上的所有人都发了邮件。I e-mailed everyone on the list.

你自己的心愿名单还包括哪些?And what's on your own wish list?

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他把他的名字从名单上划掉。He crossed his name off the list.

战败的名单无穷尽。The list of failures was endless.

还有什么应该出现在这个名单上?What else should be on this list?