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淋浴还是泡澡?Shower or bath?

如防水的淋浴间收音机。Waterproof shower radios.

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我则是在淋浴中获得灵感。I have mine in the shower.

独立的浴缸和淋浴。Separate Bath with shower.

马纳洛海滩公园淋浴。Waimanalo shower beach park.

你喜欢盆浴还是淋浴。Do you prefer bath or shower?

我们房子里有淋浴小隔间。Our house has a shower stall.

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笼内配有淋浴间和洗手间。The cage has a shower and WC.

浴室配有独立淋浴间。Bathroom with separate shower.

我淋浴,洗漱,梳头。I shower, clean up, do my hair.

用花洒淋浴,不用浴缸浸浴。Take a shower instead of a bath.

起床后我总是洗个淋浴。I always shower after getting up.

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而在上城一处比较温和的淋浴场景中。And in a more modest shower uptown.

进入淋浴室,清洗身体。Enter the shower and wash your body.

用短时间的淋浴代替浴缸泡澡。Take short showers instead of baths.

你通常是淋浴还是泡澡?。Do you usually take showers or baths?

淋浴喷水器喷出一股急流。The shower threw a hard tight stream.

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浴室的浴室里有极可意浴缸和淋浴。Huge bathroom with jacuzzi and shower.

走出淋浴,站在洗澡垫上。Get out of shower and stand on bathmat.

我刷了牙,跳进淋浴,满身都是瘀伤。I brush my teeth and hop in the shower.